Chapter 2

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"You two know each other?" I asked turning to Mick.

He smiled like he had just been caught red handed. He scratched the back of his neck like he didn't know how to answer.

"Yea, he's been traveling with me and a few others." Nate sounded irritated.

"Traveling?" I questioned not fully believing him.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, not aloud to say more than that. Captain would kill us." He muttered the last part like he didn't want to say it.

"Your friend? Captain Cold?" I turned to Mick crossing my arms.

He looked surprised for a second then blank again.

"You recognized him." Mick smirked.

"I knew who he was when I heard him talk. I'll never forget a voice like that." I answered with a shrug.

I saw Mick stiffen. He tightened his fists at his sides. What was that about?

"Mick, can I talk to you for a second?" Nate asked pointing behind him to my empty bedroom.

Mick sighed and nodded following behind Nate. They left the door cracked but spoke in hushed voices. I, being the nosey person I am, silently crept closer so I could hear them.

"Seriously Mick?" Nate questioned sounding annoyed.

"What?" Mick's voice.

"You know what. I had to see enough fondling between you and Lexi on the waverider. I don't need to see it here too." Nate sounded again.

"To be fair, that was future Lexi and she was coming on to me." Mick sounded a lot more sophisticated.

"It doesn't matter. She's still my sister." Nate grumbled.

"My future wife apparently" Mick added.

What the fuck is going on.

"Fine, but I'm not giving you my blessing!" Nate whisper/yelled like a toddler.

"Who said I needed your blessing? All I need is her approval." He laughed.

A minute of silence passed giving me the time I needed to get away from the door. I stood in my kitchen arms crossed like I was pissed.

"I'll be back to see you tomorrow Lex." Nate said coming into the kitchen.

He hugged me then kissed the top of my head.

"Later Nate" I smiled and watched him leave.

Mick appeared a second later looking extremely hesitant.

"I have lots of questions but they can wait until tomorrow." I walked closer to him.

He seemed to relax quite a bit. Was he worried about something? I just shrugged it off. Whatever it is can wait till tomorrow too.

I grabbed his shirt to pull him completely against me. The heat returning quickly as soon as Mick's hands ran under my shirt again. Just the feeling of his skin against mine was fantastic. He picked me up once again with ease and carried me into my bedroom. He dropped me on the bed so he could loom over me.

His lips crashed against mine again making me moan into the kiss. He sure knew how to use his mouth. At least from what I've felt so far.

"Mick.." I breathed out as his hand trailed down my stomach to the buttons on my jeans.

He quickly undid the button and the zipper. Pulling my pants down my legs throwing them to the floor. He made his way back up to me like a blood thirsty animal. I sat up and tore my shirt off just wanting him right now.

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