Chapter 5

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I stopped what I was doing to take in his words. How could I possibly be an asset to any of them especially Mick.

"If you say so" I grumbled going back to my work.

"Cold told me about what happened this morning. Don't push them away because of this. Nate is your brother and Mick is.." he paused most likely looking for the right word.

"My future husband?" I questioned glancing over at him.

"It looks that way." He chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"The one thing I like about my life is the fact that I have free will. I make my own choices and someone telling me I'm going to marry that goon one day is the biggest punch line in a century. I will make my own decision. Right now, I choose to want no part in this nonsense after I find this thing and I choose to want nothing more to do with Mick Rory." My fingers were moving on their own as I spoke.

"You're not even going to give him a chance?" Barry asked sounding as if I was turning him down.

"Why should I? Just because I'm suppose to marry him one day? No thank you." I kept my eyes on the computer.

Barry sighed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him run a hand threw his hair. I turned to face him. He looked nervous. He glanced behind him to make sure no one else was around before he leaned closer to me.

"Listen, the others know I'm seeing someone but they don't know who. They also think it's a her." He paused to look up at me.

I knew my face held no sort of surprise because I didn't know the guy. So he's gay, what's wrong with that? If his friends weren't accepting of that then they could go shove it.

"What I'm getting at is at first I didn't want anything to do with him but some things happened on a whim and as that progressed so did my feelings for him. Now, I couldn't imagine anything happening to him or to us. To prove my point that I know what's going on in your head I'm going to tell you who it is."

I stayed silent really curious about who this guy is. Barry seemed to brighten just mentioning the guy.

"Here, this is him, just in case someone is listening in on the coms." He handed me his phone with a light blush and such a boyish grin.

I looked at the screen to see a picture of a familiar face. I couldn't help but smile and laugh at how cute the picture was. Barry was laying on the guy's chest all snuggled up to him while the other man was looking down at him like he was the most precious thing in the world. I never would have thought that guy would look at someone like that.

"Wow, I did not see that coming." I chuckled handing the phone back to him.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll think about it and you two are very cute by the way." I laughed again as I turned back to the computer.

The information was limited. Trying to find this artifact today would be pretty much impossible but if they really could travel in time like they said then I can find it's location back then. I switched my tactic and went to work once again. Within 20 minutes I had what I was looking for.

"You done already?" Barry asked as I stood from my seat.

"Yep" I smiled and hooked my arm around his as we made our way back to the others.

"Alright, here you go. If you guys really can travel in time like you say then you'll find this artifact in 1942. It's located right here in the Soviet Union." I pointed to a map I had printed.

"Soviet Union? Why couldn't it be in Britain or America?" Nate questioned clearly not happy with the thought of going to the Soviet Union during WW2.

"Thanks Lex" he mumbled folding up the papers.

He hugged me and kissed the top of my head before leaving. Cold sent his signature smirk my way with a nod then followed Nate.

"I'm going to head out too. I'll see you guys later." Barry said with a smile.

"Later" both Cisco and Caitlyn said in unison.

"It was nice to meet you guys." I waved then went off to catch up to Barry.

He was only a few feet in front of me. I ran to catch up to him. I'm not much of a physical exercise person so that short distance kind of winded me.

"Man you're fast" I joked catching my breath.

He laughed but didn't say anything back.

"We should go get some drinks. I'd love to here more about that guy of yours and you seem to know more about Mick." I smiled at him hoping to get some time with possibly a new friend.

"I'd love too but I'm meeting up with him now actually. We can go later tonight. Say around nine we meet at that new night club that just opened." He stuck his hands in his pockets following me to my car.

"That sounds great. I'll see you there."

He stood by my car as I got inside and drove away. Just as I turned the corner out of view of the lab I looked in my rear view mirror to see a streak of yellow lighting go past. I slammed on my breaks thanking whatever higher power there was that no one else was around.

"No. Fucking. Way." I said aloud as realization hit me.

Is Barry Allen the flash?

Once I got back to my apartment I made myself a quick dinner. As I ate I thought back to the streak of lighting I saw. Is it possible that Barry is really the flash? I mean it was kind of weird he didn't seem to have a vehicle outside and he waited till I was out of site to do anything. I mean it is kind of self explanatory. I have to ask him tonight.

Once it hit eight I changed into night club worthy clothes. A pair of skin tight jeans, a crop top that revealed a few of my tattoos, and my military style boots. Since my hair is cut in a pixie style I just ran my hands threw it. The only makeup I ever wear is eye liner, mascara, and lipstick. I kept it simple but attractive.

I ended up getting to the club a few minutes after nine. Once inside I spotted Barry at the bar. I walked over to him confidently and sat on the stool next to him.

"How's it going flash?" I whispered in his ear so no one else would hear.

He choked on his drink causing me to laugh. He looked over at me like a deer in headlights.

"What?" He tried to play it off.

"Scholar remember?" I pointed at myself.

He just looked at me as he held his glass. The look on his face only made me laugh more.

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