Chapter 28

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I ignored Mick's questioned as I grabbed an apple and bit into it. I rolled my eyes at him then walked out of the room back towards the main deck.

Only Sara and Nate where there now. They both turned towards me when I came back in the room.

"I need to know more about you. I still don't fully trust you." Sara said crossing her arms.

"I'm a little iffy too." Nate said scrunching up his nose like he couldn't believe he just said that.

"Seriously?" I questioned them both.

They both just nodded.

"Gideon" I glanced at both entrances quickly before continuing.

"Tell them who I am." I gestured for the AI to go ahead.

"Lexi Heywood, in the year 2027, she is Lexi Rory. Married to legends member Mick Rory. She works along side Mr. Barry Allen developing new software and programs." The AI informed the two standing by the table.

"I'm actually just PR for Barry's company I don't develop any programs or anything. I have the brain of a historian not a genius." I laughed continuing to eat my apple.

"Lexi Rory?" They both questioned in disbelief.

I was slightly shocked by their disbelief. Why was that so hard to believe?

A very hot and very close flame suddenly appeared to my right making me jump and drop my apple.

"Bloody hell!" I shouted jumping away from the heat.

I turned to see a seething Mick standing near the entrance. I took a step back not sure what to expect from him.

"Come again?" He questioned in a dangerously low voice.

"Uh, nothing" I shrugged with a half ass smile on my face.

"Alright Mick you just need a little breather." Nate said hesitantly.

Mick actually growled at me then walked away quickly. That was definitely a new side of him.

"He almost shot me!" I shouted in disbelief.

"Trust me if he wanted to shoot you he would have." Sara said nonchalantly.

"Oh I'm so gonna tear his ass a new one when I get home." Mumbled under my breath.

I took off down the hall Mick went down. I guess I need to talk to him already. I turned left out of instinct but all the doors were closed. If Mick's room was down this hall I wouldn't know which one.

"Would you like me to open the door Mrs. Rory?" Gideon asked from overhead.

"Yes but please just call me Lexi." I answered and waited for the door.

It was the room directly to my right. The door opened then I stepped inside quickly. The door instantly closed behind me leaving me alone with a unhinged Mick Rory.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" He asked harshly.

"I figured we should talk since you heard all that back there." I said walking over to the bed.

"Gideon called you Lexi Rory." He spoke still with the scary deep voice.

"Yea" I agreed.

"I'm not the husband type." He spoke keeping his eyes on the gun in his lap.

"Not right now but you will be one day." I informed him matter of factly.

He let out a rough chuckle that set me at ease somehow.

"You're out of your mind." He shook his head.

"You'll see big guy" I smiled and patted his knee.

I left his room to let him be alone. I don't want to do anymore damage than needed.

"Attention everyone, we are charged. Heading for the vanishing point shortly." Sara announced over the comm system.

One after another the legends entered the main deck and took a seat. Once we were all strapped in Sara started us up.

It was just as fast as last time but this time I definitely felt some side effects. I felt like I was gonna throw up. I couldn't seem to hear anything either. I sat there stone faced and blinking until my stomach calmed and my hearing slowly came back.

"Wasn't this place suppose to be destroyed?" Ray asked as he stood from his seat.

"I thought so but I guess not." Sara sighed unclipping her straps.

"Gideon, what happened here?" Sara asked stepping over to the table.

"The blast set off by Mr. Snart was withheld only destroying the machine itself. The rest of the area was hit by a powerful energy blast. There is only 3 life forms detected."

We all looked at each other silently asking the same question. Who are the 3 life forms?

"Gear up" Sara ordered.

Everyone went their separate ways to grab their gear. Nate and I were ordered to stay on the waverider while the rest of them went to look for Snart. We kept a line of communication open so we could tell them if we saw anything they didn't.

The place seemed pretty quiet. You would think the place was completely empty if it wasn't for Gideon's information.

"You guys see anything?" Sara asked through the comms.

"Nope, clear on our end." Nate answered her.

They split up to search more ground. We kept eyes one each group. Sara headed into what looked like a jail area. Just our luck Snart was sitting right there in the middle cell. He looked absolutely bored.

"Snart!?" Sara questioned quickly making her way to him.

"It's about damn time" he chided her.

"Sorry, it seems we had misinformation." She told him as she search for a way to open the cell.

I turned to another screen showing Mick and Ray getting closer to the room Sara just found Snart in.

A guy suddenly stepped out into the hallway behind Mick.

"Mick behind you" I shouted to him.

He turned quickly grabbing the guy and slamming him into the wall. With the force of that one blow he was done for.

"Check him for keys Mick" Nate spoke this time.

I watched Mick bend down and pay the man down. He stood back up not finding anything there. The last guy must have them.

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