Chapter 17

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"What is different now?" I asked curiously.

"Iris and Joe don't talk, Dante is dead and Cisco hates me, there's a new guy at work that never even existed before, and you and Mick had only been doing your thing for maybe 2 or 3 weeks by the day my dad died. I'm just glad nothing happened to me and Len. Oh god, I have to tell Len what I did." Barry's hands ran down his face in exhaustion I think.

Lenard Snart was a pretty good man and he loved nothing in this world more than Barry but he was passionate about the laws of time travel ever since he became a legend. I can only imagine what he is gonna say when he finds out about what Barry did.

"If you want I can be there with you when you tell him. Maybe that will keep him somewhat cool." I tried to reassure him.

He only nodded then pulled me in for an extremely tight hug.

A few days later Barry and I had told the team about what happened because Harry and Jesse came back from earth 2 and of course Harry immediately knew. So we had to sit the team down and explain what happened. They are slowly getting over it except for Cisco.

The day we told the team about flashpoint was the same day Len and Mick decided to come back for a visit.

Barry and I were standing in the cortex with Iris, Wally, Joe, and the new guy H.R. Who is basically Harrison Wells from Earth 19.

I was explaining something to Barry as we stood like we always do. He stood behind me with his arms around me and his chin rested on top my head. We were just comfortable with each other in that way. We were best friends while both of our boyfriends were best friends so it went rather well.

"Barry Allen you know I like burning things." Mick's gruff voice came from behind us making me turn around at flash's speed.

Len was standing next to Mick eyeing Barry closely but because Barry hadn't told anyone other than me about their relationship he kept his distance. I on the other hand was way to happy to see Mick again.

I ran up to him without hesitation. I could raise up barely tall enough to wrap my arms around his neck. I felt his warm strong arms wrap around my waist then pull me closer. A second later my feet were off the ground.

Every part of me erupted into pure genuine happiness when I felt Mick Rory's lips pressed against mine. It felt like an eternity since I last kissed those lips.

Being wrapped in his fresh scent made me realize how much better this smelt in person rather than on a jacket.

"Alright you two" Nate's voice grumbled from the doorway of the cortex.

Mick sat me gently on the ground then stepped to the side. It felt pretty good to see Nate again too. He had kept me floating after that fight with Mick. He would call me every day and just have a normal chat about everything going on. Just talking about our day and our thoughts. It felt like we were back in high school sitting on the roof of our old house.

Nate hugged me tightly to him then pressed a quick kiss to the top of my head. I don't know why most of the guys in my life do that.

"Barry" I turned towards the puppy dog eyed speedster.

"Yea" he snapped his attention to me like he'd just been caught.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I gesture back towards the hall.


He followed me into the hall then a few feet away from the cortex at human speed.

"What's up?" He asked leaning against the wall.

"You need to tell everyone." I spoke bluntly.

"What?" He sounded unusually stunned.

"I can tell just by looking at Len that he hates keeping you two a secret. He wants to be able to hug and kiss you when he sees you like Mick and I. They're your friends and family Barry. Do you really think they are gonna treat you differently?"

"Yea I do" he sighed running a hand threw his hair.

"No they're not Barry." I whispered pulling him in for a soft hug.

"Trust me" my voice and expression held the confidence I felt.

This is who Barry is. His friends and family love him for him and that's not gonna change that fact.

"I'll think about it." Barry spoke hushly before heading back towards the cortex.

"Everything alright?" Len drawled casually towards the both of us.

Barry only nodded clearly deep in thought.

"Yea Len, everything's good." I smiled reassuringly at him.

I decided to invite Len and Barry over to my apartment for dinner so Barry and I could tell Len what happened together. I figured the dinner wouldn't let Len know that we had something to tell him.

"So, Len, Barry has something he needs to explain to you and he needs your full attention with no comments until the very end." I spoke up after we finished eating.

The four of us were still sitting around the table in the kitchen. After the last conversation ended I decided to start the next one and get it over with.

"Really? Right now?" Barry whispered to me in a panic

"Yes, right now" I smiled sweetly at him.

He sighed taking in a few deep breaths before turning to Len. He was already giving Barry his full attention.

"It happened the day my dad was killed." Barry started.

I only had to jump in twice to scold Leonard for trying to comment before Barry finished. He was getting better at this.

"You're telling me that you.. went back in time.. saved your mom.. created flashpoint.. then went back again to let your mom die to fix it creating the timeline we are currently in?" Len asked calmly.

Barry nodded hesitantly. I could tell it was the only thing he could do. The poor thing looked terrified.

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