Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning to a hard, warm body wrapped around mine. I opened my eyes to find myself practically laying on top of Mick. His arms were wrapped around me tightly like I was going to sneak away.

I chuckled lightly at the sight of him. He looked so peaceful and soft. His right bicep was right by my face. I eyed the skin for a moment before placing a soft kiss there.

Mick groaned and tighten his arms around me. He didn't wake though. I placed more light kisses down his arm. I wanted to know how this happened to him but he most likely wouldn't want to talk about something like this.

"Lexi" he grumbled trying to stay asleep.

"Come on Mick.." I kissed his chest.

"I'm gonna make breakfast." I added glancing up at him.

He opened one eye and peered down at me. I couldn't help but smile at him. He groaned again but let go of me so I could get up. I went for my closet to put on some clothes when a shirt was suddenly thrown over my face.

I huffed and removed the fabric to glare at Mick. He was standing now in his boxers with a smirk.

"Wear that" he pointed to the shirt in my hand.

I slipped it on not thinking much about it. It hung low like a night gown on me. That's when I realized it was Mick's shirt. I smiled while my back was to him. I went from my closet to my dresser and pulled out some underwear and a pair of shorts. Of course given how long the shirt was on me it looked like I was naked underneath.

I turned back to Mick who was standing in only his jeans watching me closely. I don't know what it was about the man that made me feel so comfortable. Like I had actually met him before. He certainly acted like he knew me. Plus what he and Nate said last night.

"Ok breakfast and questions" I said walking out of the room.

"I think we should wait on Nate for the questions part." He said gruffly.

"Why's that?" I asked getting in the fridge.

"I will most likely say too much." He said matter of factly.

"How can you possibly say too much?" I questioned turning towards my cabinets.

Mick shook his head staying silent. I huffed as I got the rest of the stuff out for breakfast. As soon as I started cooking the front door opened.

"In the kitchen Nate" I called out not looking up from the pan.

"I brought a friend along." He spoke as soon as he entered the room.

I looked up to see another man beside him with slicked back hair. He was averagely attractive and very well dressed.

"This is Rip Hunter" Nate said gesturing to the man.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled as I continued to cook.

"You as well Mrs. R-" he cleared his throat cutting himself off.

"Miss Heywood" he finished.

I arched a brow at him. That was weird. I finished up breakfast quickly laying it out on the table where Mick already sat.

"Help yourself boys" I smiled taking a seat.

After I finished my food I decided to start questioning my brother and his friends.

"Okay, let's start with this traveling business. What the hell does that mean because I'm getting the feeling you're not seeing the wonders of the world."

Mick stayed quiet but looked up to Rip Hunter. Nate did the same. Rip sighed as if thinking of what to say.

"We are a group of individuals traveling through time to fix things gone wrong." Rip said matter of factly.

"Ok sure" I laughed.

I looked up to see all three men looking at me seriously.

"Wait, you're serious?" I questioned leaning forward.

"Yep" Mick spoke.

"How is that even possible?" I was beyond confused.

"I myself am from the future. I have a ship that allows me to travel in time." Rip spoke like this was an everyday thing.

"Alright, let's just say that's true. What about future me?" I asked Rip.

Mick choked and Nate sighed. They knew I heard them talking.

"I'm not sure what you mean." Rip said watching me closely.

"I heard these two goons talking." I pointed to Nate and Mick.

"I heard something about my future self apparently." I added looking over to Mick.

He had his arms crossed and his head turned away from me. I am so utterly confused.

"Well, without revealing too much, your future self is friends with the man who creates the AI that runs my ship. You are well versed in time travel and you join the team for a short amount of time to help fix something." Rip held my gaze the whole time he spoke.

Ok, I'm going to go through this. Time travel is a real thing. My brother and apparently my future husband are among a team who travels in time to fix things. Whatever that means. In the future I become friends with this genius apparently and eventually go time traveling myself.

"Well that's a load of horse shit. Listen, I'm a historian so I don't need you acting like I'm a fucking idiot. You should know better." I ended pointing at Nate accusingly.

I got up from the table to head back into my room. I closed the door behind me so I could change in private.

"Fucking assholes" I mumbled as I pulled Mick's shirt off.

I pulled my shorts off next tossing them on the bed with Mick's shirt. Then went to my dresser. After I was fully dressed I grabbed Mick's shirt and went back into the kitchen. I tossed the shirt at him making him jump in surprise.

"I have work to attend to. Running the history department of a university alone is a lot of work." I glared at Nate this time.

"You can show yourselves out." I grabbed my bag from the floor.

It only took a few seconds to find where Mick had tossed my keys last night. Once they were in my hand I headed out the door.

"Wait Lexi" Mick's rough voice came from behind me.

I stopped but didn't turn to look at him. I heard him sigh before he appeared in front of me. He looked hurt. He had no reason to be hurt. I was the one who should have decked all three of them for trying to pull that bullshit on me.

"Lexi, don't be pissed at us. What we are telling you is the truth." Mick grabbed my shoulders.

"I am a woman of high intelligence and very busy. I don't need my brother, a crazy loon, and a dimwit to tell me that. So you three can run on back to whatever the hell your really doing and stick it up your ass."

I was furious. My anger wavered a moment when I saw the look on Mick's face. At first he looked even more hurt then it quickly changed to anger.

"I'm not a fucking dimwit." He growled releasing his hold on me.

"Yea, keep telling yourself that big guy." I grumbled walking past him.

I heard him growl before I turned down the hallway. I didn't mean it. I was just angry that they thought I'd actually believe that bullshit. Nate of all people should know I don't believe in things I can't see.

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