Chapter 21

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Mick's POV
I sat on the main deck listening to everyone going over ways to attack and defeat the time anomaly. I wasn't one for plan making. I prefer to go in and light shit up. Literally.

"What has you so deep in thought big guy?" Lexi asked taking the seat next to me.

"I'm just waiting to hear the part where I get to burn something." I grumbled like I wasn't interested.

"Oh please Mick. No need to put on that act in front of me. I know better. You're worried aren't you?" She gently placed her hand on my arm.

"You should already know the answer to that." I turned to actually look at her.

Her hazel eyes were just as bright and shiny as the day I met her at Saint and Sinners. For me that wasn't very long ago but for the woman in front of me that was 10 years ago. Her face was the same shape and had the same pinkness in her cheeks. She really hasn't aged a day.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Lexi chuckled as she patted her face.

"No, I was just admiring how you still look exactly the same. 10 years later and you haven't aged a single day." I spoke in a hushed voice to make sure the only person who heard me was Lexi.

She smiled at me and her naturally pink cheeks darkened. After all these years she still blushes at things I say.

It's definitely an experience to see your own future. Especially when your future looks like the woman sitting in front of me. If this is what I have to look forward to then I should have no reservations about Lexi and I.

I can't help thinking she would have a better life without being tied to "Heatwave".  That there is another man out there who can give her everything she wants and so much more. I might not be able to be that man for her. I don't want her to miss out on all the luxuries life has to offer just for me but looking at the woman sitting beside me I see nothing but pure happiness and satisfaction with her life. Her life as Mrs. Rory.

"Mick! Are you paying attention?" Sara's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I am now" I answered honestly.

"We need you and Leonard to hang back here. Stay by Lexi's side. If that anomaly gets past us you two will be the last line of defense to keep her safe." Sara informed me of the plan.

I nodded agreeing completely to staying by Lexi's side and keeping her safe. No better person for the job but me.

"Scarlet" I heard Snart call after younger Barry.

"Yea?" He turned back to Snart taking a few steps to put himself right back in front of the other man.

"You be careful out there Scarlet." Snart spoke softly.

They were words intended for only Barry but I was close enough to hear them too. I glanced up to see older Barry standing by the entrance and smiling at the couple in front of him. I wonder what it's like to watch your younger self with your younger partner.

"I will Len you know I always am." Barry gave him his boyish grin which made him weak in the knees.

I already knew that just from watching Snart interact with the kid. Those two were something special. They had something with each other that not many people get to experience in their lives.

We watched as everyone made their way off the wave rider to carry out the plan while Snart, Lexi, and I stayed back.

"I noticed you took my advice." Lexi said towards Snart.

"How could I not. You know best after all don't you Lexi?" Snart's usual drawl was back in full force.

His little drawl always seemed to slip away when he was talking to Barry. Not sure why maybe because he knew he didn't need to put on any kind of act for the kid. Barry already knew Snart probably better than Snart knew himself. That wouldn't surprise me.

"What about you Mick?" Lexi asked turning her head towards me.

"Why do you ask me things that you clearly already know the answer to?" I questioned right back.

"Because the future is ever changing. If you make any different decision then this could all change. You could easily decide that the life you're beginning back in 2017 with that Lexi isn't the life you want. Then where would I be right now?" Her tone was light but I could tell it hid a hint of fear.

She was scared I was going to change my mind about her. About what I've come to feel with her.

"How about when I get back to 2017 I'll tell Lexi how I feel. Then I'm sure that future will be concrete." I gave her my wicked smirk.

She chuckled and shook her head at me.

Maybe an hour had passed before we heard anything from the team. When we did it was a message to ready ourselves cause the anomaly knew where to find Lexi.

Snart and I were immediately on our feet with our guns at the ready.

"Lexi stay behind us." I ordered her as I watched the main entrance.

"Mick!" Snart yelled drawing my attention to his side of the room.

The anomaly appeared looking like a fictional grim reaper. It wore a long black robe with a hood covering it's face. It's weapon of course was a scythe. The only part of the body I could see was the hands. What I saw was old decaying flesh. I don't know what the hell this thing is but I won't let it lay a finger on Lexi.

Without hesitation I open fire on it. It screamed in a distorted howl. It seemed more irritated by the flames than hurt. Snart tried next but the same thing happened.

"Together!" Snart yelled.

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