Chapter 23

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Going back to Lexi's POV for a little bit.


This time watching Mick leave I felt different. The last few times we had said goodbye at my apartment in private. This time, I stood outside the Waverider with Barry as we watched the doors to the ship close. A few seconds later the ship was in the air then gone in the blink of an eye.

"Movie night?" I asked Barry as I stared off where the Waverider disappeared.

"That sounds fantastic!" He beamed at me then draped his arm over my shoulder.

We went back to my apartment and got comfy in our pjs before starting our movie marathon. Once we were both comfortably on the couch with our snacks I hit play on the movie.

"You haven't told me what happened when Mick came back." Barry pointed out as the opening credits started.

"He told me he loved me." I spoke softly trying to hide the smile on my face.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me that!?" Barry questioned in surprise as he shot up into a sitting position.

"I guess I was too wrapped up in it still and didn't think to say anything." I shrugged.

Barry slapped my shoulder playfully making me wince and laugh at the same time.

"He was so different when he came back. Something happened to him while he was gone. I don't know what it was but it caused him to tell me exactly how he feels about me." I continued to smile thinking of my Mick Rory.

Barry laughed as he flung his arms around me. He hugged me tightly to him. He looked as happy as I felt.

"It's about damn time y'all started to get some where!" He laughed cuddling into.

"What about you and Len? How are you two?" I asked keeping my eyes on the TV.

"We're great! Len is actually pretty amazing. He's completely different with me than anyone else. He will actually show me his soft side." Barry looked like a kid talking about his first crush.

Just watching him talk about Len I could see the love in his eyes. What Barry and Len found in each other is bound to last an eternity. Lightning and ice mixing together to create something so beautiful.

"How long have you and Len been together now?" I asked curiously.

"About 8 months" he smiled proudly at me.

We finally settled in and actually watched a few movies. Around one or two in the morning we ended up falling asleep in the middle of a movie.

*2 weeks later*

I was sitting at a desk in the Cortex of STAR Labs with Cisco and Caitlyn when Barry zipped into the room. We all turned his direction expecting there to be trouble because of his entrance.

"Lexi!" He yelled in pure giddiness.

"Yes?" I questioned as I kept my laughing at bay.

"I want to talk to you!" He cheered stepping up to me.

He offered me his hand and I took it happily. I wrapped my arms around his neck at the same time he wrapped his arms around my waist.

A few seconds later we were on the roof of STAR Labs. I couldn't help taking a moment to look at the view. I have never been up here before.

"Ok I was thinking about something. I brought it up to Len, who thought it was great too. I wanted to ask you about it." Barry explained from behind me.

I took one more look at the city before turning to face Barry.

"What's up?" I asked him crossing my arms and giving him my full attention.

"What would you think about getting a fairly large duplex house?" He asked slightly nervous.

I could tell he was nervous from the way he was fidgeting with his fingers.

"What do you mean? Like you and I get one?" I asked to better understand his idea.

"Well yea, my side of the duplex would be Len and I. Your side obviously would be you and Mick. That way when Mick and Len are gone we always have each other to keep company. We are all good friends so it would work perfectly I think."

I thought about it for a second. I never had any problems with my apartment but it's certainly not where I want to live for the rest of my life. Do I want to have a place specifically for Mick and I? A place we can both call home together?

"Let me think about it some more and maybe talk to Mick and I'll let you know." I smiled sweetly at him.

He nodded with his own bright smile before speeding us back to the cortex.

"Everything alright?" Caitlyn asked us.

We both nodded as we made our way to the center desk to get started on our new metahuman search.

The remainder of the day I spent at the University. I needed to check on things and do evaluations. The paperwork was easily finished. The calendar and classes looked good to go for the new semester. Now to finish my evaluations of the professors content.

Around 8pm I was finally finished with my work and headed home. I immediately got in my pjs and made dinner. After eating I decided to step out on my balcony to think about what Barry had asked me.

The view from floor 12 wasn't bad at all. The view at night was the best though. All the lights and sounds of the city always relaxed me.

I honestly don't think I could bare the thought of not having Mick Rory in my life. Maybe everything would be a lot easier to handle if Barry and I were always together. He always seemed to know exactly what to say when I needed him most. I certainly could use him by my side for at least a while.

Let's just do it. No more analyzing everything I do. I'm just going to take the risk and see what happens.

**Next few chapters will be a few years in the future.

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