Chapter 15

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'Everyone changes, it's a must,
It let's you know who will be by your side throughout those changes'

Kate's POV

I woke up to see Jason sleeping on the sofa in a corner, why did he end up sleeping here. Just as I got up and sat Laura entered the room.

"You're awake?" She said as she walked towards my bed.
"Yes." I said as I gave her a small smile. Just then Jason woke up.
"Oh Jason dear you can go back to your dorm it's already late I'm going to stay with him for the night also your friends have tried all way possible of entering so just give them a call. At this rate they could end up in the bed next to you." She said as she laughed causing me to smile.
"Is it fine if I stay with him at night." Jason said causing both of us to startle a little. I wouldn't have minded if I had actually just got stomach cramps but these were different and I couldn't let him stay here.
"No students aren't allowed here as it is but because you and a free period so I allowed you but not for the night. As it is he is going to be back tomorrow." Laura said giving him a smile.
"Okay then take care Mike, see you tomorrow." With that said he left the room.

"Kate." I looked at Laura as she called out my name and took a seat beside me and continued,
"How many people know you as yet?"
"Two, Ryan and Tess." I said.
"So let's have a sister-sister talk. I've always wanted a younger sister and whenever Mike described you as a baby I so much wanted to meet you." She said and I gave her a small smile I felt safe thinking that Mike might be thinking about me as he has done all these years.
"Laura, so you have a boyfriend?" I asked and gave her a sly smile.
"Well well don't I have the perfect body for a guy." She said and we both began to laugh.
"But I don't as yet." She replied with sadness in her voice.
"Why though, I'm sure you might be super wanted during your highschool or university years."
"Well you see Mike had made me his sister and even though I'm elder to him he is so protective that guys wouldn't dare to even approach me. Even during my university times when Mike was yet in school no guy dared to approach me." She said.
"I really what to date though." I said thinking about how less possibilities I had now to date.
"Darling I was his elder sister and this happened you are his younger sister whom he adores more than his life." I felt happy and sad at the same time. Just then mime video called her.

"Hey I see ya'll have met." He said.
"In the worst scenario you dickhead." Laura said causing me to chuckle.
"Good to know you're doing good Laura but what happened to you Kate? Did someone hit you?Are you fine? Do I need to come back? You k ow what forget it I'm just returning."
"No Mike I'm all fine it's just girl problems and dare you stop your treatment and return back." I said in a complaining voice.
"Okay but I miss you and I'm sorry."

I knew it he felt bad for all that circumstances were making me do but it wasn't his fault.

"You don't need to be." I said causing him to smile a little.
"By the way Tess told me Ryan came to know but you took care of it"
Oh dear Tess.
"Yes it's nothing to worry about."
"He better stay away from you though."
"No he won't, I will make sure as soon as you return Kate gets a boyfriend." Laura spoke out.
"I will kill him." He whispered making me laugh.
"Anyways you gurls I'm going to return back maximum within a week so don't worry too much also Kate I've applied for you in the same university and I told them that you will join in the next month due to medical issues so don't worry too much about later." He said and I just gave him a small smile to reassure him and ended the call.

" It's late, lets sleep and talk tomorrow." Laura said putting me to bed. I was happy to know that I had people next to me with whom I could be me. A of a sudden I felt safe. The night was just me, bed and ofcourse at this time how can I forget the washroom.
*sad sigh*

"Kate wake up you need to get ready also are you feeling good ? Has the pain reduced?" I opened my eyes to see Laura and the first thing I did was I got up and gave her a small cheek kiss.
"What was that Kate." She chuckled I just smiled because I felt very happy waking up as Kate.
"Nothing." I said and started changing into my clothes which Ryan had given to Laura.

"So then I'll see you in my class. Take care and I'm just a call away." She said as she gave me a kiss this time. I was really liking having an elder sister. We were in the lobby when this happened and there stood Ryan, Jason and Blake all confused.

"How did you get a teacher to kiss you." Blake asked staring as Laura left for work. I immediately hit him on his head,
"Stop staring at her she's my cousin dickhead." I said.
"So you're all fine then." Blake said and immediately pulled me into a hug which didn't last for more than a second thanks to Ryan.
"Don't hug him what if the pain returns,lets go Mike." He took my hand and started walking away and I immediately took my hand off his grip.
"Idiot." I smiled.

Jason's POV

When did Ryan stop getting scared of Mike and why was he behaving so suspicious. I really should not think so much. I just slid the thought aside and we made our way towards our classes. It was Math first so yes all four of us were together.

"Jason, here." I saw Kaitlyn raise her hand and point to an empty seat. I gave her a small smile and made my way there. The rest of them sat on the benches behind mine.

"How have you been? It's like you don't even attend this college. I haven't seen you here even once." Kaitlyn complained.
"It's just that it's our first math class after I met you and we barely share any classes so stop complaining like a kid." I said.
"Hey Kaitlyn there's something on your face." It was Ryan who said that and I just knew what was going to happen next.
"What?Where is it? Here? Here?" She said pointing at different parts.
"It's just everywhere."
"What is?" She aksed in a very concerned tone.
"Your fakeness." He said and started laughing. The next thing I knew Blake and Mike both were laughing their heads off.
"Dickhead." She muttered under her breath.
"Why do you have to be cousins with him." She complained and I just knew there was no more talking to be done by me. The entire period was full of Ryan annoying Kaitlynto the point that she definitely regretted coming to the college. I had no clue why Ryan hated the guts of her.
He annoyed Kate too but the way he used to annoy her was to gain her attention but this annoying was to get rid of her. We decided to have lunch together but I knew it wouldn't be a good idea.


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