Chapter 13

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'Why are you running away from me as if I'm poison.' I asked her.
'Because you are on for me.....' was all she replied.

Kate's POV

I didn't really want the day to be so bad since the start was pretty good.
Ugghhh, I was so frustrated, luckily I had a tampoon in my bag so I didn't really worry about my clothes but I was more worried about my stomach cramps.
Yes ya'll guessed it right I got my periods which meant more mood swings, more pain and more bad days.

"What deep thought are you in Mike." We were in our English class and I was sitting beside Ryan.
"Nothing." I replied in pure annoyance.
"Hey there, what now are you on your...." He asked.
"You guessed it right." I replied before letting him complete the question.
"Okay." Was all he replied. The day had just begun and I was already feeling so pissed.

I was waiting for lunch so eagerly and now just ten minutes were left for stupid History to get over, hey it's not that I don't like history but it's just that why do we need to study about dead people, I mean bruh congratulations that you won a war against that empire but why the hell should I care.

*bell rang*

This was my cue to run to the canteen, I needed my human medication, Tess.

"Tess." I said as I went and gave her a hug from the back.
"Mike can you not startle me like this and what's wrong with you, did something happen?" She asked with concern I'm her voice.
"I got my period." I whispered and she looked as startled as she would look if my brother actually proposed her, but that would be a happy one.
"Now what, how are you going to manage? Just take a one week leave okay, let's go to the office to fill a form for your leave." She said as she actually got up with her bag.
"You stupid, it's not even been a weak since classes started and I'll already take a leave, it's not really needed as well cause I have somehow managed not to get my clothes dirty but I'm worried about my cramps and I just wanted to talk to you." I said as I pushed her back in her seat.
"FINE I'll trust you, Okay." She said.

The lunch got over pretty fast and I had to part ways from Tess since I had music classes, it was the first class and I was very much excited but thanks to certain whatevers my mood was off. I made my way to the class when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Mike." She said as she came towards me, I remember her name was Kaitlyn and she was Jason's whatever, yes I know I'm using whatever very often but yeah whatever.
"You're going for music right?" She asked.
"Yes." I replied plainly.
"Can you please tell Jason to meet me in the park after your class gets over." She said and gave me a smile which I knew was only because she wanted to get her work done.
"FINE." I said and walked away, I could hear her say a thank you bit not that I really cared to receive it.

I reached class only to find the whole class full except one bench, next to Jason. Great.

"Your girlfriend wants you in the park once the class get's over." I said in a plain voice.
"Who girlfriend?" He asked confused, what even he didn't even know his own girlfriends name.
"Kaitlyn." I said in an 'it's so obvious' tone.
"She's just a friend, Don't come to conclusions bruh." He huffed.
"Okay." I replied and looked forward.

The music class was rather a free period because our sir wasn't feeling well and had taken the day off, so I spent my time very productively and...........Slept. I was awakened by the shrill voice of the bell, I mean why does this happy bell have to sound so bad, I should secretly change all the bells one night, but let's face the truth, I love sleeping and am lazy so I wouldn't wake up and do it.

What? Ya'll think I'm scared of the authorities? Duh, not at all........okay a bit.

"I'll meet you in the dorm." Jason said as he got up from his seat.
"Would be obliged." I muttered u see my breath but I guess he heard it.
"What are you on? Your man period." He said as he got out of the class.
"Yes mate." I muttered when he was out of sight and got up.

*in the dorm*

"Mike? Wake up. What's wrong." I heard someone calling but my eyes were too heavy to open.
"Mike? Wake up. Mike?" Another voice said.
"What happened to him." I heard a third voice speak.

I was sweating, my cramps had gotten worse, I was feeling numb minute by minute. Each minute I was feeling hard to breathe. I thought I was going to die.....


I flickered my eyes open as someone switched on the light.

"Switch off the light ya'll, I wanna sleep." I said as I covered my eyes but was met by unusual surroundings. I opened my eyes properly.
I was on a bed, not my bed. I was in a room with plain white walls. There was a machine like thing next to my bed.


"You're awake Mike, or should I say.........." it was the doctor, she looked alot like our math teacher, or no wait, it was her only. There was a long pause before she said those words which had my heart beat stop for a split second.

"What's your name Miss?"


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