Chapter 14

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Sometimes you'll fall at the bottom because there's something at the bottom you need to fix......

Kate's POV

I sat there numb, She knew it, She would tell everyone, I wasn't able to save Mike's place in the university.......I failed.
I gathered some courage to speak,

"I can explain...." before I could give any explanations she spoke,
"I don't need an explanation, I need you to tell me your name." She said. I couldn't help it but tell her,
"Kate" I whispered in the softest tone.
It was over, everything was going to end, I wondered how much Mike would be disappointed in me.
"Why didn't you meet me before your college started, I've been looking for you ever since classes started." She said putting both her hands on ger waist as if she had given me a task I forgot to do.

What was she saying,isn't she supposed to get super angry, tell the authorities and get me thrown out of here. And why should I have met her, who is she. I was so confused.

"What?" I asked as I looked at her.
"Wait, that idiot didn't tell you about me did he? He is surely going to get a good beating from me. Anyways, hello nice to meet you, my name is Laura and I'm Mike's sister." She said formally as she held out her hand for a handshake but I just sat there even more confused.

"Sister? I am his sister though, wait do I have a hidden sister as well?" I said and I heard her chuckle.

"No, well back in the hostel I was Mike's senior and he was such a quiet child so I used to play with him and since we've grown up together he just started calling me his sister." She said and I nodded.

"But why was I supposed to meet you though?" I asked totally confused.

"Just, so that I could take care of you through these days and so that you have someone to turn to incase you need someone to talk to you and someone who is there with you during times like these." she replied as she stroked my hair and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you so much for being there......" 

"Call me like you would have addressed you elder sister and feel free around me baby sis" she replied. I was so happy to know that I had someone to turn to and that I had an elder sister, what could I have asked for more than this.

As I was busy in my thoughts a party of four dashed inside the room- Blake,Tessy,Ryan and none other than Jason.

"how are you feeling" 

"what was wrong with you "

"are you fine"

"do you need to be admitted in the ICU or something"

There were questions errupting from everywhere and i was so confused at what was happening


"Good, now with everyone's questions answered I want everyone who has bunked back in there class and ya'll better be there I am going to check up in each and every class to make sure ya'll are present." our teacher or should I address  her as elder sissy(too cringy right, well fact check I am the cringiest person alive) said and all of them gave me a small bye and left except for Jason.

"Ma'am my classes for the day are over so I'll stay with Mike so you can continue with your work." he said.

"Okay well that's good, Mike I've placed the anti-pain pills in the drawer and you'll be allowed to go back in your dorm room by tomorrow, I'll make sure to sleep here with you tonight so I'll meet you directly then okay so make sure to be well till then okay. If you need anything then just give me a call okay." Laura said. Yes I'm gonna call her that.

"Chill Laura I'll be fine don't worry and go for work." I said assuring her, she gave me a small smile and left.

"Why would you call her directly by her name Mike." Jay asked as he came near my bed and took the seat beside it.

"Well you see, it happens to be that she is my cousin so she allowed me to call her whatever I  want." I lied, but if you go to see it wasn't exactly a lie.

"So what's with those stomach cramps I mean were you serious when you said that you're on your man period." he said.

"Ofcourse not, are you nuts." I said as I tried to laugh it out.

"By the way can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course, ask." he replied.

"You kept on asking me if my sister remebers you, do ya'll share a history or something, I mean are ya'll like long lost lovers or something." I said' I was internally laughing when I asked him that, I actually wanted to know how exactly has he remembered me. 

Why? Well it was just my curiosity.

Jason's POV

What do I remember about Kate.........What do I not remember about her.

"Well I donot remember much about her cause the vacation went off pretty fast." I chuckled a fake laugh.

Why did I lie? I don't know, well its just that I doubt anyone can truly understand what I feel about her and I had to be a little careful since it was her brother I was talking to.

*Many years ago*

"Hey Jazzy I'll make sure I wont remember you." She replied with arrogance all over her face.

"I could bet on anything in the world you would Katey."

"And what makes you think that."

"well no one can ever forget such a handsome face now." I replied full of confidence but yet somewhere I hoped that she wouldn't actually forget me.

After sometime I went to her and whispered to her as all our parents came to pick us up,

"Katey, are you seriously going to forget me?" I asked.

"Will you remember me?" she asked me back.

Before I could reply her dad had come and she ran towards him, one last time she turned towards me and gave me a smile. I wondered what it meant.


Kate can't I just meet you like once, Kate just once.

I was so immersed in my thoughts that I forgot Mike was there and when I turned to him, he was already asleep. As I stared at him he looked more and more like Kate, I wonder how she looks now.....


I know I'm such a bad author I mean what is this upload like a year late? Oh my god, how much more bad could I have been.

I'm so sorry guys, I know im really mean but please understand I was kind of busy and I really hope ya'll like this upload.

Please show lots of love and please do comment and vote.

Thank You(shooting hearts at ya'll)

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