YOU write the epilogue!

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Since I'm such a flop, I didn't want to do this series any sort of injustice since a lot of you truly enjoyed it (which I sincerely appreciate). I think the last chapter wrapped everything up nicely, but of course there has to be an epilogue.

So I want you to write it.

Now, not an actual, full-fledged epilogue. I just want your idea for it! Here's how this is (hopefully) going to work:

- comment your idea for what the epilogue should be

- no marriages (they did just survive an apocalypse lmao let them breathe)

- you can write as little as one line or as much as a paragraph!

I'm going to be going through the comments, so hopefully there will actually be people commenting ideas or else this will be really awkward  ಥ_ಥ

I might even mix a few of your ideas together, who knows. Anyways, the epilogue will be up when I think one (or more) of you have given me the perfect idea for it. I'll even credit you when it's posted  ♥

This is me trying to show my thanks to all the support this series has gotten. A "thank you" note could never be enough. This has been a crazy ride, and so many of you stuck through it even when I was losing faith in myself with these books. That's why I want to hear how you think this series could be perfectly wrapped up. This is not a contest, I just want you all to have the ending you really want. Thank you again, and I'll see you soon  ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ 

(is the face too creepy bc i thought it was cute but now the more i look at it, it's lowkey terrifying oops)



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