chapter thirty-two

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MAXIE CHOKES ON A sob as she watches the bloodbath unfold below her. She clenches her fists, knowing she has to do something but she isn't sure how. She's barely grasped what the doctor has done to her, much less learn how to control... whatever it is. Besides, there's too many allies mixed with the enemies for her to cause some grand explosion. She could kill everyone.

She has to go down there.

It's the only way to save everyone.

She takes a deep breath before rushing back for the ladder. Harry told her to not come down under any circumstances, but she can't keep sitting here watching everyone die. She saw Micah get stabbed and Killian's petrified face. She heard Eve screaming desperately for Harry after Max fell to his knees. She can't let anyone else get hurt.

She can't.

Once her feet hit the ground, she knows what she needs to do. She grabs the back of an ally's shirt, telling him to spread the word of retreat. He looks at her like she's insane, but also with a bit of relief. However, considering her age, he scoffs at her and turns back to the crowd, bow in hand.

"I said," Maxie repeats with newfound confidence, snatching the bow out of his hand with a simple thought. He looks at her differently now, practically terrified. "Spread the word of retreat."

"What the..."

"Go!" she snaps, already moving forward.

She needs to get the allies as far away as possible in case this goes terribly wrong. Which is very well could.

Gavriel is the first to spot her. "Hey," he says, grabbing her forearm. "Harry told you to stay on the roof."

"I have to do something," she pleads, meeting his stare determinedly. "Please. Trust me."

Gavriel isn't clueless to what Maxie can do, so he holds her gaze a second longer before nodding unsurely, hesitantly letting her go. "Fine," he mumbles, "but I'm staying with you."

"You might get hurt."

"Yeah, and Harry might kill me if I don't stay with you, so I'll take my chances."

She knows better than to argue, so the two of them continue onwards. Gavriel stops anyone from getting too close with dangerous efficiency, comforting and frightening Maxie simultaneously. She keeps her eyes averted from the blood covering him. She's positive none of it is his.

It seems the man from before had spread the word like she asked. Many allies are looking around in confusion, backing off though the enemies push forwards. Maxie halts in her tracks when she's sure she's in the best position, just in front of the ally line. She motions Gavriel to step back, then sucks in a breath and closes her eyes. She can hear the growling, the screeching. She knows they're coming for her.

She doesn't know where it comes from, but she feels it. This incredible surge of energy through her body and then suddenly--it escapes her.

The screams intensify from her own doing.

She's doesn't open her eyes as every lost drop of strength leaves her body.

Gavriel catches her before she falls to her knees.

The area is entirely silent without moments.

Maxie's tears slip through her closed eyes--she's scared to open them.

Then she feels Gavriel beside her ear and he whispers, "Maxie, you did it."


Micah groans as he regains consciousness. A sharp pain races through his body when he tries to sit up, then there's two hands on either of his shoulders holding him down.

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