chapter thirteen

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(**unedited** but it's a double update so ta-da! enjoy xx)


HARRY STARES AT THE camp scrutinizingly, suspiciously. He can see people hustling around on the fields, probably the Normals who Wolf had enlisted as slaves. All the experiments know about Wolf's past desire to become a king, but apparently he finally had enough resources to make that fantasy into a reality.

That's a terribly frightening thing for everyone else.

Davon purses his lips beside Harry, looking none too pleased about returning. He's asked Davon plenty of questions about what the camp is like, but a lot of it is hard to believe. For instance, there's electricity and running water and a food supply to last over a year. There's people loyal to him, people unloyal but too afraid to say so, and outright rebels that get executed as quickly as they turn against him. That is easy to believe, but Harry can't imagine anyone in their right mind would look up to Wolf.

He figures that's the key phrase: in their right mind.

He glances back at Robbie, Caroline and Maxie, his chest constricting with the thought of dragging them into this place. He doesn't want to go in, either, but if Sasha truly is in there, he'll be damned if he doesn't get her out. He may not be as vocal as Evelyn about his determination to save her, but that doesn't mean he isn't determined.

He looks to Evelyn to find she's already looking at him, waiting for him to make the first move. He takes in a deep breath before standing from his crouched position. There's no need to try and sneak in. If Wolf is as secure as Harry knows he'll be, they'll be caught in a matter of moments. It's better for them to be upfront and honest with why they're there to keep Wolf from getting antsy about their presence. He wouldn't hesitate to have them killed if he considered them even the slightest threat.

His body tenses with anticipation as he turns to face his group, anxiety churning his stomach. He doesn't want to put any of them in danger, but he knows all of them will agree to go anyways. To save Sasha.

"All right," he say quietly in case a patrol strides near. "We're just going to walk through the front gate."

Everyone blinks back at him in confusion.

Davon clears his throat. "Honestly, that's the only way you could get in with Wolf's security. I don't think you should mention the girl, though, or he won't let you in simply out of spite. You'll have to find a way to convince the guards at the gate to let you in."

"You know them," Evelyn says. "What do you suggest?"

Davon hums in thought. An idea seems to pop up, but he gives Harry a strange look like he's afraid to say it.

Harry frowns. "What is it?"

"Wolf is always going on and on about you and your 'rebellion,'" he says, wincing with his own thoughts. "I think you should say you're here to challenge him."

Harry isn't surprised by this, but Evelyn is horrified. "Are you kidding me? That's the one thing we've been trying to avoid."

"You don't understand. Wolf is obsessed with the idea of beating Harry in front of everyone so they know he's their true leader. He won't turn Harry away with witnesses around."

"He's already been forced to fight before because of a psychopath named Quincy," Evelyn argues, narrowing her eyes in a way that always makes people rethink their decisions. "I'm not going to let you force him into another, especially against an even bigger psychopath."

"I think he's more of a sociopath, honestly," Micah chimes in under his breath.

"It's all right," Harry tells Evelyn before she rips Davon's head from his shoulders. "It's the best plan."

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