character reminders

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A lot of characters have come and gone throughout the two books; some will be mentioned and a few of them are going to make a return in the third! In case you've forgotten who they are, I've made this list to refresh your memory. If you ever get confused, just come back here for reference ;D

Shade/Buffy: In the first book after Quincy's camp was attacked by Micah, Micah sent these two to track Harry. Shade had once been pretty close to Harry during their time in the lab together.

Aces & Spades: Twins that were sent after Shade and Buffy who ended up pledging their loyalties to Harry. They were separated when Harry walked into the trap Micah set up for him at the lab.

Ress: Adorable boy that followed Maxie around everywhere, who was separated from the group when the beasts attacked Erik's camp and kidnapped a bunch of children.

Gavriel: Harry's closest friend in the lab whose determined to find him.

Leo/Monique/Oliver: The three people Evelyn and them stopped to help in Robbie's gas station to get food. 

Liana: The woman looking after Nive's baby, Alex, and who stayed at Leo's camp for the baby's safety.

Tristan: Experiment 1298 who helped Evelyn when the doctor captured her, sat with her when she killed the boy, and swore his loyalty to Harry.

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