chapter twelve

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(a short & sad yet fluffy Killicah--the best ship name I could come up with--chapter because they're my otp aside from Hevelyn. I also decided Colin O'Donoghue will play Killian because a lot of you suggested him. I was torn between him and Michael Malarkey, but Colin fit better for the edit above lmao. you can imagine whoever, though, of course. anyways, hope you enjoy xx

p.s. yes, the crown dripping blood was inspired from the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard--and I didn't like the empty space under them. I never claimed to be a creative editor lol) 


GAVRIEL IS THE ONE to warn the group of the Turned experiments up ahead. He says there is only a handful of them, all very rotten and past the point of return. Death will be a mercy for them, each of them realize this. There is no refusal to walk right into them, but there is concern from Eve's brother that makes everyone pause.

"Shouldn't we just go around them?" Max asks, frowning deeply with a soldier from his camp behind him.

"Don't you kill them for fun?" Micah snaps back, raising his eyebrows. "This should be easy for you."

"I kill them when they come to my camp and endanger my people," Max replies with a snarl, and Micah can hear his heart rate pick up in frustration.

Killian touches Micah's elbow to keep him from losing his temper. Instead, Micah huffs and turns away from the man.

Eve, thankfully, steps in. "If there's only four of them, it won't be a problem. We can probably just let Harry, Gavriel, and Micah take them out."

Harry is too busy listening intently to their surroundings to add his own remark.

"I'll stay behind with Robbie, Caroline, and Maxie," she tells them.

Micah shrugs. "Let's get this over with."

Gavriel adds what he considers to be a comforting thought, "Don't worry. Most of them can hardly stand up on their own. It'll be quick."

Max cringes, and so does his friend.

"I'll go," Killian says.

Micah doesn't bother arguing, since it doesn't appear to be dangerous and Killian wouldn't listen to him anyways. Instead he stays close, making sure to keep his attention split between Killian and himself. Just in case one of these Turned experiments are more dangerous than Gavriel thinks.

The four leave behind the rest as Gavriel leads the way, parting the branches ahead. He had seen them while scavenging for food and instantly came back to report. Micah hates the Turned almost as much as he hates the regular experiments. Not only are they disgusting in appearance and smell, but they're completely unpredictable. One that looks ragged could be the strongest in the bunch, simply because he's farther gone than the others and more insane.

When the group comes into sight, Harry holds a hand up. "There's others," he says, his lips barely moving with the words. "Three to the left, five to the right."

And the four in the middle.

A total of twelve against four.

Micah is indifferent, honestly. They've had more extreme odds that they somehow overcame, so he isn't too worried.

Killian unstraps his bow from his back, then reaches for an arrow and notches it. "I've only got three arrows."

Harry nods his approval, and Killian lets them fly one by one, each making a mark straight through an experiment's throat. Three of them gurgle on their own blood before collapsing backwards, and Harry confirms their hearts have stopped.

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