chapter twenty-three

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(a short early update because I just found out that I got accepted into a college I applied for all the way in New York! trying to figure out money problems now... anyone living in New York who wants an introvert for a roommate *wink wink*?? enjoy xx)


IT ISN'T TOO LONG afterwards when Marcus knocks on the door, alerting them the ceremony is already commencing. It has to be early evening at best, but Evelyn supposes it's a normal time for a so-called party. The sun is just setting, so perhaps it's later than it feels. Though, if she's honest, she feels like these past two days have been more like two weeks.

Erik, Locke, Killian, Micah, and Gavriel meet them in the hallway. Evelyn still can't fathom that they're all together again, finally. She doesn't mind Gavriel and Killian being new additions either, and of course she doesn't mind her brother. It's comforting to have so many allies, so many people she knows for a fact she can depend on. She would be comfortable with any of them watching her back in a fight, and that's something she'd never thought she'd admit. Once upon a time, she only ever relied on herself.

It's miraculous how a mere four or so months could change her so drastically.

The walk through the corridor is brisk and quick, and soon their group is standing in front of an ornate door, though it's not nearly as elaborate as Wolf's had been. Marcus confuses Evelyn when he doesn't open the door right away, but then he hears Leo's amplified voice on the other side as if he's speaking into a microphone.

"Ladies and gentleman," he called, the murmur of nearly a hundred people instantly silencing. "I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight, but we have some guests of honor I'd like to introduce! Let me tell you how I met them.

"It was a few months ago back at our old location where Monique and I--and an old friend--went scavenging for food since our rations were running low. We found a gas station a few blocks away, fully stocked and somehow untouched. It felt like a trap, but we were all starving. It was hardly a decision to break in and begin shoving random snacks into bags.

"That's when the growling started." Leo paused for a effect, surely having the whole audience in rapt attention. "We were being ambushed by a pack of savages."

Evelyn glances to Harry, but his eyes are set on the door as if he can see through it straight to Leo. After his bad mouthing of Harry's kind earlier, she's also curious how Leo will portray him. Will his people be accepting even when they're determined to exterminate them all?

"The battle broke out, and right when it was seeming bleak, we had a group of people come to our rescue. They fought bravely and strongly, and they are the only reason Monique and I are alive today."

The crowd cheered.

Marcus placed his hand on the door handle, but Leo continued from inside. "But before I introduce you all, I want you to know something.

"A few of our saviors were not human."

Evelyn wishes she had Harry's hearing so she could understand the frantic mumbling on the other side.

"I do not want any of you to criticize the man who saved my beloved fiance. I do not want any of you to treat any of them unkindly, for they have proven themselves to be different from the savages who plague our streets. I hope all of you with bestow upon them the same amount of respect that I hold towards them. Appearances can be deceiving, so though they look like the monsters we're in war with, please remember they are on our side."

Harry's eyebrows have furrowed. Gavriel and Micah, who were not there during the ambush, are also gazing at the door in confusion.

"Without further ado, please welcome some dear friends of mine!"

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