{ chapter fourteen }

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Mingyu POV

"Mingyu", the teacher calls out my name, "yes?" I answer, "can you tell me how to solve this problem?" she asks, I sit there, in silence. 

"Please listen in class" she says, and continue to teach. 

Ever since that day where JaeEun and I kissed, I can never forget it. It's so hard to forget something like that. 

I wasn't sure if I liked her, I knew she didn't like me and just went ahead with the kiss cause it was for a game. 

I looked out the window, and see students having PE as their class. 

Since that night, JaeEun and I haven't talked about the kiss at all, I told her to forget it or keep it, but honestly, I want her to keep it. She doesn't even like me, so I'm pretty sure she is going to forget all about it. 

"Yah, Mingyu" Mina shouts in my ear, "What the heck?!" I yell, "What are you doing? The bell went, let's go have lunch you idiot" she says and walks towards the door, "Meet us in the cafeteria" she says, and leaves. 

I sigh. I stand up and swing my bag over my shoulder, then walk out of the classroom. 

I walk to the cafeteria and spot the table they were sitting on, I walk towards them and sit down. 

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" Mina asked, "No" I sternly say. 

"Okay, then" Mina says awkwardly. 

They all eat in silence while me, I am thinking. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking.

I was thinking a lot about what happened during the senior trip that I didn't even realise that I was staring at JaeEun, I didn't even know for how long. 

No one on the table noticed before I quickly looked somewhere else. 

JaeEun POV


Mina and I decided to go shopping today. 

We ranted and talked all the way to World Mall. We thanked the taxi driver and walked inside the mall. 

"So, tell me," Mina began, I hum, "who do you likeee?" she smirked, I froze, thinking about Mingyu and the kiss. 

"JaeEun?" Mina calls, "yes?" I looked at her, "who do you like?" she asks, for the second time. 

"No one" I say, lie, she nodded and continued talking about something else, when I was more in deep thought about Mingyu. 

"Look, JaeEun," Mina pointed to 2 cute boys from a distance. "Aren't they cute?" Mina says, "yeah, I guess" I agreed to her. 

She dragged me there, but she acted like it was normal, like we were just strolling around the area. I see the boys coming to our direction, but not directly to us. 

Mina thought it was a good idea to bump into them and pretend that she dropped something. 

"Oh, sorry" one of the guy says, not gonna lie, he is so cute. I laugh quietly to myself. 

"No, it's okay" Mina says, picking up the things she dropped herself. "Taeyang" the guy Mina bumped into introduced himself. 

"This is Minho, my friend" Taeyang introduces his friend too. They are both cute actually. 

The 4 of us decided to go out for dinner. We went to a restaurant and talked non-stop. The 4 of us had a lot in common, it was nice to meet someone with the same similarities as you. 

Taeyang and I talked, while Minho and Mina talked. 

"It was nice to meet you two" Minho says, ending the night, outside the restaurant.

"Hey, do you want to go out tomorrow?" Taeyang asked me, I chuckle at his cute voice, "Yes" I whisper in his ear. He laughs. 

"See you tomorrow, JaeEun" Taeyang says, shooting me a wink. I blush at his cute act. 

"Oooo, I see someone likes Taeyang" Mina hoots at me. I laugh at her, "maybe" I say. 

Maybe Mingyu and I are only meant to be friends. 


Today, at school, I couldn't stop thinking of the date Taeyang and I will go on, I was happy and couldn't wait till after school. 

Taeyang texted me a lot, saying that he couldn't wait to take me out. I smile so widely that my face might burst.

"Sorry guys, I need to go to my locker" I say happily and skip off.

Mina POV

"Why is she so happy?" Rowoon asks, "she met someone yesterday" I say, munching on my food. "What?" Mingyu blurts out. 

"She met this guy yesterday, at the mall, they hit it off and they are going out today" I say, not caring about their reaction. "Do you know where?" Mingyu asks, "Nope" I say, popping the p. 

Then it was silent again. 

Mingyu POV

I knew it. JaeEun doesn't even like me. 

The kiss meant nothing to her. So she did let it go. 


The 4 of us was walking out of school when JaeEun suddenly ran off. We all looked at the direction and she hugged a guy. 

Is that the guy she met yesterday? I thought, most likely. 

The 3 of us walked towards the couple and JaeEun introduced us to him and she introduced him to us. 

My blood started boil, how can he take her away from me. "Sorry guys, we are going to leave first" JaeEun says, with Taeyang dragging her away. What the hell?! 

I walked back to the dorm, thinking about JaeEun and Taeyang together, my hand balled up into a fist. 

I reached the dorm, and loudly hit the door open, causing it to hit the wall. "What the hell Mingyu?" SeungCheol yells, I ignore him and walk up to my room. 

I slam my door shut throwing my bag onto the floor. Today is Friday, which means I don't have to see JaeEun tomorrow with that guy. 

"Mingyu" Wonwoo hyung calls me and walks into my room, "what's wrong bro" he asks and sits down on my bed. 

I sit up, "the girl I like, love, actually, is going out with some guy today and I don't know what to do" I sigh. 

"Alright, first, you need to get your head straight, then tell her how you feel" he says, "it's not that easy" I close my eyes and let my head drop. 


"Because, I don't want to get rejected" I whisper, almost not hearable, "you need to, you never know if she had feelings for you too" Wonwoo suggested, "No, you didn't see her hyung, she was so happy to see that guy" I said. 

"Fine, do what you want, just remember, this may be your last chance" he says and leaves my room.

JaeEun-ah, do you like me? Please. If I confess my feelings to you, will you reject me? 

I shrugged and just closed my eyes.


this chapter probably doesn't even make sense, but whatever hope you guys like it anyway :)


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