{ chapter one }

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JaeEun POV

"ahhhhh~" I sigh as I slump onto my bed. 

Moving from Busan to Seoul is such a heavy thing to do. My parents and I have been trying to transfer everything from Busan, even our maids and drivers helped us.

I am seriously exhausted from the moving, but we are finally done.

"JaeEun-ah," mum calls, I sit up once I hear her voice.

"Tomorrow, your father and I will enrol you into your new school okay?" she said. 

I tiredly hum in response and she leaves. 

I get up from my bed, grab the boxes and started opening each one. I started with clothes first. 

"aish, I have so much clothes." I say to myself, angrily. 

I grab my clothes and walk into my walk-in closet to hang them up. My room is enormous and I have so much space, also cleaning is going to be a pain in the ass. 

Once I was done with clothes, my desk organisation was next. I have so many things from my old house that I never knew I had. Thats a lie. I just probably forgot about them. 

I stop for a moment, "I wonder what my new school would be like", I shrug off the thought and continue unpacking. 

6:00pm. Right on the dot. I have completed unpacking and now I can rest. I did not think that unpacking would take me 4 hours. I was so tired.

"Sweetheart," appa knocks on my slightly opened door, I turn to him, "lets go out for dinner tonight. A little celebration for successfully moving to Seoul. Our maids and drivers are coming too"

"arasso appa" I lightly respond. He closes my door as I stand up to get ready. 

Since my parents are fashion designers and own a fashion company, I also follow them and have a good sense in fashion. 

I walked through my closet, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. 30 minutes have passed and I have successfully found an outfit I like. (image provided) 

Something simple but classy at the same time

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Something simple but classy at the same time. I was obsessed.

I grab my bag and head downstairs, where I see my parents awaiting for me. 

I locked eyes with my parents, "my daughter is so beautiful" my mum fake cries, I giggle at her response. My father looks at me, "kaja" he smiles.

Once we reached the restaurant, we met up with the maids and drivers and got our table.

"delicious. I am so full" I laugh, rubbing my stomach. "Ah, our JaeEun has to be taller" one of our maids said, patting my back.

10:30pm. We all ate and are getting ready to leave. As I was walking out of the restaurant, someone bumped into me causing me to drop my bag. 

"Ah, mianhae" he says, kneeling down to pick up my bag. Once he handed to me, I could not stop staring at him. He was very good looking. "A-ah, aniyo, it's okay" I take my bag from his hold, "kamsahamnida" I bow and start to leave.

"oh, wait" he says, grabbing onto my arm. "can i ask for your name?" he sweetly asks, "Lee JaeEun" I respond.

He lets go our my arm and takes out something from his pocket, "I am new here in Seoul and trying to make friends. Please put your number in" he pleads, I chuckle, "okay" I take the phone from him and dial my number in.

"Thank you JaeEun" he says, "Kim Ro Woon" (from SF9) he puts his hand out, "nice to meet you Ro Woon" I shake his hand. "Sorry, my parents are waiting for me. I have to go. Annyeong" I wave at him and leave the restaurant.

"What happened" eomma asks, "nothing, I just bumped into someone." Then there was silence.

We have reached our destination, home. 

I get out of the car, walk into the house and upstairs into my room. I kick off my shoes and change into comfy sleep wear. I place my phone on charge while I turn the TV on. 

Suddenly, I hear my message notification bell. I look over at the time, it is 11:22pm, "who is texting me at this time?" I scrunch my eyebrows together, confused.

I pick up my phone, seeing an unsaved number.

[phone number]: Annyeong Lee JaeEun~

Once I read the message, I instantly knew who it could be, "Kim Ro Woon."

I save his phone number before replying.

JaeEun: Annyeong Ro Woon-ah~

Ro Woon: How did you know that it was me :(

JaeEun: because I know :)

JaeEun: anyway, don't you have school tomorrow?

Ro Woon: I haven't applied to a school yet :(

JaeEun: I am applying tomorrow :)

Ro Woon: wait, you don't live in Seoul?

JaeEun: yeah 😂

JaeEun: I came from Busan. I am new to Seoul, just like you.

Ro Woon: OMG that is so coooooooool~

I slightly chuckle at his text. 

JaeEun: what school are you applying to?

Ro Woon: probably Seoul Preforming Arts High School. 

JaeEun: OMG ME TOO 😂

Ro Woon: OMG, we should hang out more often then.

Ro Woon: Uh, sorry to cut our conversation. My parents are giving me a lecture about staying up late. Sorry JaeEun, I will talk to you tomorrow :) Goodnight.

JaeEun: Arasso, goodnight Ro Woon-ah!

And the conversation ends. I scroll up and read our messages again. I smile to myself.

I set down my phone and switch off the TV. I make sure that my alarm is on tomorrow for 7:00am tomorrow morning. 

Then I fell asleep. 



I hope the first chapter of this book is better than the last. It is quite similar, yes but I felt like a restart AND I won't be discontinuing this fanfic.

Thanks for reading.


Kim Mingyu | SEVENTEENTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang