~ Duck-Tape and Super Glue~

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It was 6 pm and we were just now leaving the manor. Jason hadn't intended to stay long but Dick challenged him to some sort of video game battle that ended up lasting FIVE whole hours. I buckled myself in the car and sat quietly waiting for Jason. Something told me that he was going to want to talk. Part of me prayed that i was wrong. The car door opened and i gripped tight onto the seams of my borrowed jacket. I felt jasons eyes on me and then he spoke. 

" Whats wrong with you?" I couldn't tell if he was being rude or asking a general question but my eyes started to burn. 

" What do you mean?" My voice was shaky and i mentally cursed myself. 

" First off, your nails are cutting holes in the hem of that jacket and second, Your crying. " Jason pulled out of Wayne manor and started towards his apartment. 

" im not crying." I tried my best to keep my voice steady and looked straight ahead. 

" Whatever you say princess. Ill leave it for now but trust me, ill be back for it. " 

I looked out the window and took in a deep breath. "They hate me." 

Jason slammed on the breaks and pulled the car over on the side of the road. 

" What do you mean? "They hate me?" " He demanded. His eyebrows furrowed and his voice was stern. I wanted to start balling like a four year old. 

" Its simple jason, I acted like a child. A snotty ass bratty child."

" Why would that make them hate you?" 

" I seen what Damian was playing at earlier Jason. He put his walls up and they just tore at him for it. I did the same thing at the damn dinner table and if they dont like him why the hell would they like me?" 

" You were protecting something personal. I would hope that they would respect that. They might be a bunch of justice driven idiots but they are not fucking proper stuck up idiots." 

I bit my lip and turned back to the window. I heard jasons seat belt unclick but i stayed in place. Then my seat belt was unclicked. I turned to jason and scrunched my eyebrows. 

" What are you doing?" 

"I know how you feel. Okay? It sucks ass and sometimes i still feel like that but you know what? It dosent matter what they think because regardless you are going to leave one hell of a mark on this damned city. You might be a little broken.  But in this town, we're all a little broken and Duck-tape and super glue fix everything. All youve got to do is find it. " 

Im not sure what came over me but i leaned forward and wrapped jason in a hug and cried my problems out into his soft leather jacket. 

He's right. Im here to kick some ass. 

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