Why are you holding my panties?

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(Alisha's Pov)

As I walked out of the bathroom, the steam surrounding my vision suddenly evaporated into thin air.

Startled I grabbed my white towel by the seam and tugged it over my body, feeling slightly paranoid, in a way that I thought that someone was watching me.

I hitched the towel higher on my body and step towards my bed,but stopped suddenly.

A figure covered in black clothing leant over my bed, a pair of lacy black panties in their hand.

"Darling I know you're  there, I'm not stupid". Said a husky voice.

I knew that by the huskiness of the voice it belonged to a male, and by all means, they sounded cocky yet kind of hot.

Don't get me wrong I don't mind a cocky self-centred guy, but sometimes too much self-centeredness will get on my nerves.

"Why are you holding my panties? What do you expect me to wear now?" I said gesturing to my towel covered body ,while quirking a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

The guy stood up, his face becoming clearer it's my view.

"Well you could always keep the towel on, I mean I'm not complaining". The guy paused for a second.

"or there's always the other option that I prefer". The guy said rather impressed with himself.

"And what option would that be?" I asked placing a hand on my hip.

"Well with you wearing nothing of course."

I shook my head in utter disbelief, I didn't even know this guy, and here he was, in my room at the break of day with my very own undergarments in hand, suggesting that he prefer that I was naked.

"Excuse me," I said, an idea slowly forming in my head, as I walked up to him, by my bed.

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