"It's their first time to see you." I answered.

"Aye. Aye. I don't really care aslong as im wichu." He said while smirking.
"Yo daddy talked to me. I think i did great."

I raised an eyebrow.


"That's good.." I said.

"I know baby gurl. Yo mine.." Ty spoke while moving his face closer again.

"Not here Zaddy," I spoke while pushing his forehead away.

Ty smirked then laughed loudly.
"Ayyt. The right time will come baby girl,"

Ty and I walked together on our way back to the long table.

"Hi Ty.." Someone spoke behind us.
I looked around and saw Katie, one of Alexas friend.

"Oh shit. Katie Kitty. Is that you?"
Ty reacted.

Katie smiled flirtatiously. She glanced at me and greeted me as well.

"How are you? Long time no see."
Ty asked while giving the blonde girl a quick hug.

"I'm okay. Nice to see you here.. with Lo," Katie answered.

"Right. Right.... still looking hot blonde i see." Ty teased.

"You're Zaddy as ever." Katie answered." I better get going. Nice party you have Lo,"

"Thanks for coming K," I said.

Katie left us. I looked at Ty, questioning his friendship with Katie.

"You know her?"

"Yeah." The older guy answered.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"K was one of the models whom i have worked before,"

"Oh okay."

Ty grinned teasingly.

"Aye, mah baby is jealous. Don't worry. Zaddy is all yours boo."

I laughed awkwardly and continued walking, until we reached the center part of the beach where our table was set up.

"Lauren!" Taylor called my attention.

"You're phone is ringing." She said, then lending my cellphone.

It was Keana.

"Kean?" I spoke confused then i roamed my eyes around, looking for my her.

"Hey Birthday ma," Keana said happily.

"Where are you? Why are you calling?" I asked.

"I'm here at my room. Can you come here?" Keana responded.


"I have a present for you. I want to deliver it to you personally."

"Then bring that over here." I answered.

"Please...." Keana begged.

I sighed.
"Ugh.. okay.." I agreed.

"Yey! Don't forget to knock. Okay?" Keana spoke happily.

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