Oh Fuck

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Keith collapsed when he tried to get to the couch but, luckily for the both of them, Lance caught him before he made contact with the floor. Lance picked him up and laid him on the couch. Without hesitation, he pulled off the boys jacket and pulled his shirt up to reveal his lower abdomen, exactly where Lance knew the injuries were. He ran to the bathroom to get a rag and some antiseptic to clean the wounds. When he got back, Keith was still asleep but was groaning, it was then that Lance noticed the dull throbbing all through his body, but mostly the injured wrist.

"I swear mullet if you made my wrist worse I'm, going to kill you. Actually no I don't want to die too.." He mumbled to himself while cleaning the affected areas. The longer it took the more the pain through his body subsided and he feared Keith would wake up. It took about five minutes but Lance got Keith cleaned up without problem. He pulled down Keith's shirt and went to go put up the medical supplies, only to be hit with a wave of pain in his wrist. "What the quiznak did he do out there?" Lance was whisper yelling but only so Keith wouldn't wake up. He took off the wrist brace he wore to find bruises forming in the shape of his brace. "Oh this is my fault whoops guess I shouldn't sleep with this on." He put the brace in the bathroom and returned to find Keith awake and looking at his wrist. "Oh hey Keith are you feeling okay?

"Yeah but when and how did I get here?"

"Oh you don't remember? Lets see, you were sleeping for 10ish minutes. When you came back you passed out the second you stepped in the door. I cleaned you up and was just gonna let you sleep" Keith was rubbing his wrist and looking at the floor by the time Lance finished his story. "You should get to bed." And with that, Lance disappeared down the hall to his bedroom and soon after, Keith went to his room.

The next morning they said noting to each other. Keith sat on the couch on his phone while Lance got ready for work and left. Neither wanted to think about the previous night, Keith in fear of being questioned and Shiro getting told, and Lance because of his revelation.

When Lance got home four hours later, it looked as if Keith hadn't moved.

"Dude have you eaten anything or just sat on that couch all morning?" Lance was asking from the kitchen, where he was making something for himself to eat.

"Whats it to you"

"If you starve to death, I'm out a roommate." Keith rolled his eyes at this. "Want some pizza rolls? You can have these and I'll make myself some more." After careful consideration of "Do I trust him to not poison me? No? Well I'm hungry" Keith took the plate Lance offered and Lance disappeared to the kitchen. When he came back, Keith got a text from Shiro.

"Hey Shiro wants to know if we would be interested in a game night with... Pidge and Hunk? Are those friends of yours?" Lance nodded, "and Allura, Matt, and Coran." At the name Allura, Lance looked like he actually wanted to go. 

"Yeah sure! Are you going?" Keith nodded and responded to Shiro with a simple 'sure.' The rest of time they ate it was silent, until both Lance and Keith jumped at a loud knocking at the door. Lance went and opened the door to find Pidge with her computer.

"I need to show you something!" she pushed pat Lance and sat at his kitchen table. "So I've been doing research on the whole soulmate thing and think I might have found a way to scientifically explain it but to test it I need DNA samples of two soulmates. Do you know anyone with a soulmate?" Keith was standing at the door, so Lance pulled Pidge  closer so he could tell her. She was quietly begging him for a strand of hair or anything when Keith finally leaves. 

"Pidge he doesn't know I think! Asking him for a sample of his DNA after having like two conversations is probably weird."

"I don't care just get me a sample."

"Ask your brother! I'm sure he could find some soulmates! Aren't your parents soulmates?"

"Yeah but they're in Vegas so I can't. Matt doesn't have many friends so I doubt it."

"I'm not doing this Pidge. You do it."

"Okay fine." Pidge got up and went to talk to Keith, leaving Lance at the table looking completely stunned. They talked for a minute and Pidge brushed something off Keith's shoulder, before going back to Lance with a hair in her hand and a smirk on her face. "Give me two plastic bags and a strand of your hair." Lance sighed and complied. She left and promised to report her findings. That left an hour until game night. Lance used that hour to take a nap. 

Keith was about to leave when Lance came out of his room still half asleep.

"Lance if we don't leave in five minutes we will be late so if you aren't ready I'm leaving without you." This seemed to snap Lance out of his daze and he proceeded to rush through the small apartment gathering his phone jacket and charger. He was ready in two minutes. They walked to Shiro's house in silence and got there exactly at 8:00, to find everyone had already set up the game, Cards Against Humanity.


I may not write much for awhile because of some shit at home. Sorry

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