"Why not use the dinning room that's filled with empty boxes?" Val asked. She looked up at him as he looked forward at the flat screen tv at the movie. Val didn't like the movie but Happy loved it so she watched it. 

"Because that's the boxes man cave. And soon we're getting a table in there because kids can't eat at the counter like we do." 

Valentine smirked and shot back, "Wow thanks captain obvious, I didn't know that babies couldn't eat a counter." 

"Watch it little girl." 


When shopping at the shops in the street in Portland Happy grabbed skull things and got a couple of cool looking books. The third day the two of them went to a ghost tour and went on a haunted hay ride. 

When the hay ride was done they decided to go get food at the diner. So they walked in, sat down, ordered and talked. The talking was cut short when Val's phone rage. 

"Hey Bubba." Valentine said. She listened then got up and went outside. Happy frowning his brows followed her. 

"We'll be in." Happy made sure to call out to the workers. Noticing Happy, Val but it on speaker. 

"Ok bubba you can talk." 

"Able's coming home party was today and I left. Opie and Donna left too and..." There was a break before Tig started talking again. "Donna got killed because someone thought it was Op. Wanted retaliation for the Niners and Mayan shit. Right now it looks like the Niners did it. " 

"Oh my god." Was all Valentine said before throwing up next to a bush. Happy pulled her hair back and grabbed the phone from her. 

"Everyone else ok?" Happy asked. 

"Yeah. Clay said that you guys need to be here." Tig said before hanging up the phone. Happy shock his head and slipped the phone into his pocket. He rubbed Val's back as she threw up some more. 

When she was done she was crying. Donna didn't deserve a death like that, nobody did. All Val could think about was the kids and Opie and how they are doing. "Lets just go." Val said. She walked towards the car and climbed in. 

Happy got in the car and started it up. He went into the hotel and turned everything in and got everything out of the room while Val stayed in the car. When he does done with everything, he came out of the hotel and saw the his wife was asleep. 

'Just a shit couple of days' Happy thought. 


Valentine watched as her brother walked up to the casket and kissed a blue flower and laid it down on the grave. 'Leave it up to Jax to make a dramatic appearance out of know where' Valentine thought. 

Valentine watched as Tara got up and placed Jax's kutte on him and kissed him. Valentine rolled her eyes but kept her mouth shut. Jax then walked away going towards a place that Val knows well. 

When the funeral was over she watched as Piney went over to Jax. "Babe you ready?" Val heard Happy say. 

"I'll get a ride with Jax." She said as Piney walked away. Val walked towards her brother walking past Piney. Piney smiled at her and kept walking. Val continued to Jax and sat on the tombstone next to their fathers. 

"Hey sis." Jax said. 

"Whats that?" Valentine questioned. It was a book and Jax was holding on to it like it had all the answers. 

"A book that dad wrote." Jax looked over to her. His eyes wondering over her face, like he was looking for an answer from her. "Read it. Don't let Happy read it unless you want him to." 

Valentine took the book and opened up to the front page and read it to herself. She turned the page and read what was on it. But she read it over and over and over again. 

For my sons. Thomas, who is already 

at peace. And Jackson, may he never know 

this life of chaos. 

And for my beautiful daughter Valentine. May 
she never fall for a guy like me. 

"Jax what is this?" Val questioned. 

"The beginning of me getting what's rightfully a Teller's." Jax started walking off. Val jumped off the tombstone and jogged up to him. 

"You have to give me a ride home. I told Happy to leave." 

"Well go have some sister and bonding time then." 

"I love you Jax." 

"I love you to Val." 


And we're out of season one! 

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