36. Vampires and Threats

Start from the beginning

  Damon doesn't seem to notice, his every attention focused on the man in his grasp who only stares down at him unfazed. My mouth falls open in horror, unable to figure out what to do. I watch in morbid fascination as Damon's strong fingers tighten around the tanned neck that just earlier today looked so mutilated.

  Is it even possible to kill him?

  Stefan rushes to the door, closing it to block out the world. Or maybe he is protecting the world from what is about to happen in here.

  "Tell me why I shouldn't rip you apart right now," Damon seethes, his fangs growing more prominent with every word.

  "Oh, we all know that you're the big, bad vampire," Leo taunts, not even blinking at the threats thrown his way. "But if you kill me, you'll never know why I came."

  "I don't care why your here," Damon snaps, his fingers tightening around Leo's throat.

  "Then kill me," Leo dares, lifting his chin up defiantly.

  "Damon," Stefan calls, taking a slow step toward the two.

  "Don't Damon me," Damon scoffs, not breaking eye contact with Leo.

  "We might want to hear what he has to say," Stefan tries again, taking a small step forward as a threat to step in.

  "You think you can lay a finger on her and get away unharmed?" Damon snarls, his intensity only rising as his anger continues to urge him on.

  "I'm ok," I whisper as I move closer to him.

  My heart twists in my chest as emotions drown me. I knew he was worried, Elena pretty much told me so, but seeing Damon so affected has my head spinning. He would kill Leo if he had the chance. Never in my life would I think I'd meet someone willing to kill for me. More than that, I never could have imagined I'd be in a situation where that would even become an option.

  "Let him go," I urge, my fingers tremble as I reach out and brush them against Damon's hard back. I can feel his muscles clenching under my touch, his body tensing for just a moment more before he releases his hold on Leo.

  A soft grunt escapes Leo as he falls to the floor, his limbs falling lifelessly around him for just an instant. With a labored breath he seems to draw new life, and he looks back up at us with a wicked grin. Damon glares down at him, his eyes crazed with hate before he turns his back and steps away. I can still hear his heavy breathing from behind me, but I do not dare to turn and look at him.

  "Pity," Leo sighs, picking himself off the floor and languidly brushing away invisible dust from his jeans. "I would have liked to see her ravage the town."

  "What are you talking about?" Stefan demands, but Leo pays him little attention.

  "She is impressed with you, you know" Leo compliments, his eyes roaming over me as if to consider me a new. "Even if she is displeased that you got away." A cruel smile tugs at his lips, his eyes darkening with possibilities as he continues. "Don't hold me to it, but she seemed to even be considering taking you under her wing. Not that she would allow you to keep it all for yourself of course."

  I try not to fidget, but it's like I can feel his gaze slithering over me. I absentmindedly take a step back, unable to stand being near him. Even just the sight of him makes my skin crawl. I feel too close to him, connected to him, and it makes me feel sick. I can feel him, his every move that he makes seems to draw from me. Little threads connecting his every limb to some dark place in my mind.

  I can make him do anything I want.

  The realization dawns on me, but rather than make me feel powerful it just makes my stomach roll again. What is this thing that has awakened in me?

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