" Texting in class?" he asked, raising one eyebrow. I blushed.

" Sorry." I mumbled and went to put it away.

" I will have that for the rest of the lesson, thank you." he said, and my eyes widened in shock.

" Surely you don't mean that?" I asked, but he nodded. " I do." he said shortly, and I grudgingly passed to him.

" Now your essay?" he asked.

Crap. I saw the whole class watching me.

"I-I don't have it." I finally said.

Eric shook his head disapprovingly. " I expected more from you Georgia," he said finally.

I looked back up to him, his blonde hair swept across his face.

" I'm sorry." I murmured. " It won't happen again."

" It won't." he agreed. " And to make sure you're serious about that, you have detention with me after school."

I gasped. Was he serious? I saw his sexy expression which was filled with disappointment and I realized he was.

"Okay." I said, looking down at my lap.

He nodded, then continued to the next student for their essay. I can't believe I had just gotten detention from my teacher I had kissed a couple of nights before. I felt stupid that I couldn't do a simple essay and I tried to listen to him for the rest of the lesson to make up for it but I kept getting lost in his light blue eyes.

The bell rang, and the students shuffled out while I walked up to his desk. " My phone?" I asked and he nodded.

" Here you go." He passed it to me. " Make sure I don't see you with it again."

" You won't." I said. I turned to walk away.

" Remember you have detention." he reminded me. I sighed and nodded. Nobody was in the room now, and he walked out from behind his desk then put his hand on my chin, pulling my head up so I was facing him.

His hand felt so gentle on my chin and I felt my knees weaken.

" Georgia, you must know I'm not picking on you. You are my student and I can't let you off the hook in front of everyone even if I want to." he said, then sighed. " I'm sorry about the other night. I shouldn't have let it happen."

I felt my heart sink. " So, you are saying you regret it?" I asked. " You don't like me that way?"

He shook his head vigorously. " No, I don't regret it." he said. " I just feel like this is wrong."

He paused, then kept talking. " The first time you walked into my classroom, I felt my heart soar. Just at the sight of you I fell in love. I am willing to risk my job to be with you but it would be hard. For both of us. I wouldn't be your average boyfriend and I want you to just have a normal teenage life." he said finally, letting out his breath. I was amazed at what he just said. I was speechless and I was scared if I tried to talk it would just be a jumble of words.

"I-I don't want a normal teenage life, Eric." I finally whispered. " I just want you."

His grin was huge after I said that. He let go of my chin even though I wished his hand was still touching it.

He looked up at the clock and swore. " You should be in class now," he said, ushering me out of the room.

" My students will be here soon."

I nodded then walked out, feeling like I was walking on air. I couldn't believe it. Eric did like me! He did want to be with me!

I skipped into my next class with a huge goofy grin on my face. Amy looked at me and knew something had happened. She gave me a thumbs up and Kate mouthed " tell us later"

I nodded and sat beside them. I leaned in and whispered to Amy " You don't need to spy on Eric now." I said happily. " I got the answer I was looking for."

A/N: I just got a great idea while reading this, so please comment on this idea and tell me your opinions!! I think after this story I will write one about either Kate or Amy (I will choose one of them and then once their story is written I'll write another about the other girl) so one of them can go to collage and HATE her teacher yet they still manage to hook up and the other story about the other girl can be about her getting a tutor and she will go to his house each afternoon to get taught but he has a friend there who thinks she's hot... And it starts to get exciting! What do you think of the ideas? Haha what one should I start on first if I end up writing it?




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Don't fall for your teacherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें