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5 Years Later

A lot has changed has changed over the course of years, the Hale Pack has expanded for Stiles and Derek has officially tied the knot and had at least five cubs whereas the rest of the pack members has married with their mates and made Stiles cry because they are her babies including Isaac, Derek also cried but later he would admit that he had something in his eyes it is okay they all know the truth. The pack members also has their own litter of cubs and whereas Peter is the adoring Uncle and the Sheriff is the Grandpa of all the cubs who occasionally babysits them when their parents are busy.

Furthermore, Jackson was happy because he had reunited with his real father and now he has found a family who loves him more than anything else. He never thought it would be possible to have this much happiness and he found a perfect mother figure in Stiles because she stood up for him and gave him attention, care and love that he desperately needed from his adoptive parents but never got. But it is all in the past, he wouldn't exchange anything for the world. 

Moreover, it was found out that Danny had been in touch with Parrish who told him about what was happening and when he found out that things are getting ugly, he quickly bought a ticket and came back to the town he vowed would never return to but here he is happy with his life and spending quality time with his mate and their cub.  Beacon Hills has been peaceful for the last years and when the time is right, Derek would train his eldest son to become the Alpha.

Lydia and Parrish are still together, Lydia is taking the world by storm with her genius mind whereas Parrish had become the Sheriff once John retired because according to him, he needs to spend quality with his grandchildren so that way he can spoil them. Stiles turns a blind eye whenever John gives the kids candy but sometimes gives him the evil eye because too much sugar causes the children to become hyperactive and nearly destroy the newly built Hale house.

As for the former McCall pack, Scott moved somewhere far away from Beacon Hills and never came back whereas the young pack mates continued their high school education and graduated. As for Deaton, who was responsible for everything could be nowhere to be found when Lydia went to his clinic it was stated that the clinic was shut down forever. Stiles didn't mind though Derek occasionally found her crying for the loss of her former best friend but it doesn't matter anymore because she knew that she had lost him the moment he became the True Alpha. Right now, she and Danny are both the emissary of the Hale pack and other packs from around the world wouldn't dare to step a foot at Beacon Hills or try to make Derek angry because they all are scared of what Stiles would do to them since they all heard about what she did to the former McCall pack.

Derek never believed that he would find happiness because he thought that he was destined to die as an omega werewolf and a werewolf without a pack. However, he did make a pack with mismatched teens who had their own set of problems yet he trained them. There were times that the pack bond was almost broken but it didn't happen all because of Stiles who kept them together and made their pack bond stronger than ever before. It is hard to believe that this woman who is his wife and the mother of his cubs would be the same one whom he met years ago in the Hale land and so much has changed over the past years between them. He has a pack most notably he has a family in them. Cora had came back to join their pack because according to her despite being grateful for the other pack looking out for her, she would always belong to the Hale pack with her brother and uncle not to mention she found her mate in Isaac and they finally got hitched without any further delay.

Isaac cannot express his happiness in words because he was lead to believe that he was alone in this world and his dad would continue to abuse him without anybody noticing it. But it all changed, now he has three siblings and a loving parents figures and loving wife on top of that all his children.  All the pack members agreed that that Derek had changed their life for the better and made them a part of family that would have each other's back. They have a sense of belonging in the pack because when they were humans they were considered loners and losers but now they have confident in themselves something they thought was never possible. He is also a mother's boy because he would help her in everything.

Erica and Boyd were happy and content with their life with their kids and the never ending growing Hale pack, they had become closer to Stiles and would always be there in her side whether they are out shopping or doing something else. If someone made fun of  Stiles or told her something unpleasant then they are there to glare at the person. If Derek and Stiles have a silly old married couple argument almost every member of the pack would side with her and he would shake his head and tell her that she got everyone in the pack wrapped around her finger which is true. Whereas, Peter finally got the one thing he had desired the most: a family. He has found his son, got a pack that has forgave him for the past mistakes and loves him unconditionally. He also got a daughter in form of Stiles which is the best thing that has happened to Derek not to mention they have an easy ongoing bickering and full of sass bond between them. Peter had mended his ties with his nephew and niece also and for the first time in forever, he went to Laura's grave and told her the things that he wanted to say and ask for forgiveness. Stiles who went with him hugged him and let him cry and finally told him that Laura will forgive him and be proud of who he is now.

Later in the night, while the rest of the pack were fooling around in the backyard in the newly built Hale home, Derek was thinking while Stiles came towards him and he wrapped his hand around her and sat down together. After a while, Stiles asked him "what are you thinking about Der?" "I am thinking that this is a dream and if I wake up it might disappear forever." confessed Derek. "Ouch, that hurt." said Derek rubbing the sore place where Stiles pinched him. "I pinched you and you felt the pain meaning you are not dreaming. This is the real deal." said Stiles smirking at him.

In the end, each of the members of the pack got what they deserved and dreamed about. They all lived happily ever after until the end.

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