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Meanwhile in Stiles's home, she woke up from her slumber and thought that she has imagined it all but her father fighting for his life image convinced her that what had happened is pretty much real. She came downstairs and saw Lydia sleeping on the sofa, during these kind of days she is pretty much gald that she at least has one true friend that she can count in. She was just about to head back to her room when she heard Lydia call out her name. She came near the sofa and sat down in the available space before she could say something Lydia said "Derek called you." "What? What did he say? No scrap that, what did you say to him'? Asked Stiles because she knew that if there is a huge chance of Lydia telling him everything, he would be now making plans to come back here right now. "I told him about everything that has happened since he left. He deserves to know, after all you two are mates." Repiled her best friend. "What was his reaction"? Asked Stiles slowly because if his reaction is anger then she can call him back and try to calm him down. But when she told her that he only said thank you, she left out a breath that she didnt know she was holding until now. She has no reason to worry but little did she know that she has the right to worry because her mate is coming back and has every intention of destorying her former best friend.

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