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While on the way to the hospital, she told Lydia regarding the phone call she had just now with her mate. Lydia told her that she is not susprised and if it comes out as a war then she should use her secret weapon to help the Hale pack. Stiles didnt answer after that, she got lost in her thoughts and she entered the hospital and wasnt listening until Parrish gently laid his hand on her shoulder she snapped out of her thoughts.
She smiled at him and entered the room where her father was currently kept now. Her father looked so much older than he looked before and the scars can be seen easily, she started crying and went towards him. He held her and whisphered soothing things to his daughter. John knew that his daughter couldnt survive if he died today and sometimes he thanks his lucky stars that he has a daughter like her and a mate like Derek who cares for her inculding her friends Parrish and Lydia because they will take the responsibility of looking after her when he is busy or gone.

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