Chapter Six: The New Guy

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"Alex?" I said shocked.

"Alexandria, you have no clue how relived I feel to hear your voice." Alex said. "Listen, I want to talk to you in private since you know. Your brother hates me." Alex stage whispered down the line.

"Well, I don't know if I should talk to you again, you hurt me really bad." I frown to myself, remembering the pain his words had brought me not so long ago.

I guessed Hayden was listening to me talking to Alex since he started getting mad.

"Look, I have to go." I muttered quickly, hanging up the phone.

I walked over to Hayden and sat next to him.

"It was him, wasn't it?" Hayden said, giving me a disproving look.

"What are you talking about?" I said resting my head on his shoulder. Hayden pushed my head off his shoulder and stood up. "Hayden what the hell's wrong with you?!" I yelled, I was sick off him being off with me. Sick of being rejected by the only person who really cared, who really loved me. Or so I thought..

Hayden ignored me and walked away. I felt tears in my eyes and tried to hide them. I walked up to my room and lied on my bed. I wanted to talk to someone but had no one. Kayley was acting like she didn't even know me and I surely couldn't talk to Alex.

I felt something vibrating and found a text message on my phone.

New Message

From: Unknown

Hey Alexandria. I was wondering if you could meet me at Roadshow Park at 8 am.

I didn't know who it was but at least it gave me something to do.

I stared at the clock. 7:50.

I had about ten minutes to get ready and stripped off all my clothes. I picked a purple shirt with grey skinny jeans. I have my black converse all star shoes on and let my hair out of the ponytail.

I walked out the house and walked over to the park, it wasn't very far away, a 5 minute walk at most.

Once I got to the park, I looked around only to see it empty, bar the lone bits of rubbish scattered around the place making noises as they blew in the cold morning breeze.

I walked over to a bench and sat down. I waited for minutes that felt like hours.

Finally after the ten longest minutes of my life I decided to call the person.

"Hello?" a voice at the other end of the line said, I sighed - happy that who ever it s had answered.

"Where are you? you said to meet at Roadshow park like 20 minutes ago!" I said, slightly impatient now.

Suddenly I heard a faint Beeeeeeeep as the other person hung up on me.

What the hell?! I said to myself, tempted to yell it out loud for everyone to hear.

"I'm right here Alexandria." Someone whispered into my ear.

I turned around to see a gorgeous man with blackish brown hair. His dark black eyes stared deep into me, I felt like I was going to melt.

"I'm Ryan." the man smiled. He made as if to sit down on the bench that I was sitting on. I let him perch next to me on the unstable wooden seat.

"So how'd you get my number?"

"Kayley." he grinned.

I was shocked that Kayley would give a hot man my phone number, all I know is that Kayley is still my friend and she is a god.

A bunch of girls a little older than me passed, blatantly staring at Ryan as they went by. He looked at them and turned back to me.

"Um, Alexandria. We should probably go somewhere less crowded. How about your house?" Ryan said.

I looked down at my fingers and picked at the black nail polish that was on my thumb.

"Can we go to your place? I don't think my place is a eat idea right now." I frown, chipping at the polish more aggressively, remembering Hayden's rejection.

"Um, ok. let's go to my house." Ryan said getting up.

He led me to his car and we got in and started the drive to his house.

I looked at Ryan. His hands were firmly gripped on the wheel and his eyes were locked on the road. How could I have ever met such a hot guy like him? I had so many questions that I wanted someone to answer.

Soon we got to Ryan's house.

I quickly took off the seat belt and walked out of the car.

"Wow, This is your house?" I said looking at the mansion.

"Yes, This use to be my parent's house until they gave it to me as a birthday gift." He said.

I was shocked. His parent's gave him a house for his birthday?!

"Let's go inside." Ryan said grabbing my hand.

"Ok." I said shyly.

Once we got inside he led me to a very nice room. The place was painted in a lovely beige colour with famous paintings dotted over the walls. A giant couch sat in front of a flat screen TV. I sat down on the couch while Ryan went to a refrigerator.

"Do you want anything?" He asked me.

"Um, No thanks." I said, my eyes wondering over the expensive room.

He walked back to me and sat down beside me.

"Alexandria, may I tell you that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met." He said.

I couldn't help but blush, it wasn't like I was flooded with compliments usually.

"Thanks." I said,turning away so he wouldn't see my scarlet cheeks.

He cupped one hand around my head, which turned my attention back to him. The other hand then cupped my face and he slowly leaned in to kiss me.

The kiss was first but a peck, that then evolved into something much more heated. His tongue wanted access to my mouth, so he slowly used it to caress my lower lip. In a quiet gasp at this playful teasing, my mouth popped open slightly. And with that his tongue gently pushed its way into my mouth. I let his tongue explore my mouth as mine explored his. This was the best kiss I had ever had.. And it was with a complete stranger!

To be continued

I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded anything yet but my poor borther got into a car accident and he's pretty injured so I'm taking care of him so I have a reason not to upload chapters quicker

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