Epilogue: 7 Years Later

Start from the beginning

"Ok by baby, I'll see you at 2." I handed Luke his lunch and he gave me a hug and ran off. He just started 2nd grade, 'My babies are getting big' 'Just 2 more years till Nash starts kindergarten.' I got back in the car and looked through the rear view mirror to see Nash playing with little toy figures.

I drove to the closest mini-mart, so I could get a test and then pick something up for dinner. We arrived a few minutes later and I helped Nash out of his car seat. When the doors opened a nice cool breeze hit us, I found a cart and picked up Nash and went down the first isle. I grabbed some fruits and vegetables, Nash picking out the ones he likes and knows I like. He kept suggesting foods and then when I turned my back he be reaching out to something unhealthy, 'Damn, this kid's just like his dad' 'Why do they have to be this way.'

"Hey baby if I leave the cart for one second, you know what to do if a stranger comes, right." I asked and he nodded, we walked to the medical isle, and I left the cart right there, 'I know bad parenting' 'Never leave your child unwatched' 'But if I brought him with me to get the test he'll tell Natsu and I want to make sure I'm pregnant or not before telling him.' I turned to see my baby just sitting in the cart looking at me, I smiled and walked to the tests. I picked up a couple and then went to the next isle which happened to be the candy section, I picked up some candy so he'll be less suspicious. I came back and there was a man standing in front of Nash. My heart nearly dropped and I sped walked over there. I threw the stuff in the cart and the man looked from Nash to me, 'Oh my...'

"I knew this kid looked familiar, he has Dragneel's eyes." Dan said and I was partially shaking. I knew he only had a year for assault and other stuff he did but I'd never thought I see him again. "I just wanted to say sorry for everything I did back then. I really never meant to hurt you I was just wasn't in my right mind." He said and took a step away from Nash who was scared and confused, he looked me in the eyes and then started to cry. I rushed over and took him out of the cart, he clung to me like a little monkey and buried his face in my chest.

"Oh sweetie it's ok he wasn't going to hurt you. He's... one of mommy's old friends." I said softly into his ear and he stopped crying, "Baby i'm sorry that I left you I just had to grab stuff, remember I promised you a new coloring book, let's go get you an awesome one." He pulled his face out of my chest and nodded. I looked at Dan and he just was awkwardly standing there. "Hey I'll forgive you it was a long time ago. Also it wasn't your fault for scaring him he just is hardly ever left alone with strangers." I said and he gave a small smile.

"Yeah I didn't mean to scare him. Don't you have another one? I think I saw it on the news a long time ago." He questioned and I nodded, then he looked behind me into the cart. "And I'm guessing possibly another one." I blushed, embarrassed that he saw those but I nodded again. "Well maybe I'll see you around, goodbye Mrs. Dragneel." He turned and waved, walking around the corner and out of sight. I looked down to see a droopy, tired kid in my arms, Nash's head was bobbing as he tried not to fall asleep. He wouldn't let go of me so I just ended up carrying him and pulling the cart behind me.


I pulled into the garage of mine and Natsu's house, it wasn't a mansion but it was pretty large. It has 5 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 4 bathrooms and the kitchen along with a large office on the second floor. I carried a still sleeping Nash inside and laid him on the couch while I went to get all the groceries. When I went back out into the garage I saw Natsu pull up, 'Well that's weird, he's home early' 'But today's Thursday he's always super busy.' I walked past my car to Natsu's and he slid out. Natsu never really aged these past 7 years, he only looked manlier, he was a bit more toned than he was back then and his face looks more rugged. He walked over to me, almost with a scared look.

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