Chapter Seventy-Six

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^ Saph being beautiful ^


H o l l o w s   I n
T    I    M    E

"How's our prisoner?" Alexi asked upon entry into our dorm. Jameson sighed, glancing over at me.

"Can't you see for yourself?" He asked, leaning against the wall, seeming to forget his Guardian persona for a moment.

"Look, I know this has been hard on all three of us, but I think you just need to grin it and bear it—for Sky."

See, the thing is, I hadn't healed from telling the two the story about how an angel perished and became the devil. In fact, it had been the biggest set back in my healing at the Academy.

Jace is still gone. Jameson tried to track him down. But he doesn't want to be found. He abandoned me, and when I needed him the most.

I've tried to get out of the dorm many times; I just need to tell an someone my crimes, then I'll feel better. I should get the punishment that I deserve. For those people—they need to be avenged.

But getting around two Guardians is as hard as it sounds—and I thought Jameson was hard work. Alexi was knighted as my Guardian in some grand ceremony that I wasn't allowed to attend, which we're apart of Jameson's orders. Now, in a twisted turn of events, Alexi has been given Carter's old dorm, though she has spent most days and nights in this dorm.

During the day, both Jameson and Alexi watch me. Like some kind of television show. They don't even take shifts, they just watch. Sometimes I feel like maybe I should write down some subtitles for them.

During the night, the two go sulking off into Jameson's room whilst I get ready for bed. They claim that they're having more of those meetings, but it's obvious that they're talking about me. One night, I heard them whispering about Chinese takeout—though, maybe they knew I was listening.

Not only was I a prisoner, but I was also relieving every single memory in those five months. Being encaged in my dorm felt like being encaged in that horrid place, the place in which the Guardians finally found me.

If you ask me, this is worse. I haven't spoken to the girls in weeks. And I haven't even attempted to get one word out to Lexi and Jameson. The most I've said was to tell them that they were scaring me, whilst standing perfectly still, like sculptures, in the corner of my room as I tried to sleep. That was the first night.

My days are all the same. But maybe the cycle is keeping me sane, maybe I need to know that something will always be there—something will always stay constant. Or maybe the cycle is what's slowly driving me insane.

Everyone's pretty much sick with the common cold, though, so I'm not really missing out on much. Apparently Cassie saw someone cough whilst eating an apple, and the chunk miraculously travelled about twenty metres and hit the wall on the opposite side of the hall. Though, I have my doubts about that.

"Just be lucky that you didn't have to sit through today's assembly, it was like watching paint dry as the headteacher told us all about her Christmas break plans, but refusing to acknowledge the fact that we have a life too!" I couldn't ignore Alexi's retort even if I wanted to. She had her sass voice on.

I turned to face her. "Watching paint dry sounds far better than watching you guys attempt to be Guardians." I shot at her.

Lexi rose an eyebrow and took a step forward. "'Attempt'?" She repeated with disgust, disregarding the fact that I had actually spoken.

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