Chapter Ninety

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H o l l o w s   I n
T    I    M    E

I melted into him. The kiss, as it always had been, was all-consuming. Dangerous but glorious. It was thrilling, in such an unholy way. And it was criminal. But as his hand came undone from mine and reached up to my face, his other hand pushing me closer to him, I decided I didn't care.

I still wanted him to tell me how he really felt. But I couldn't break away. Breaking away from this felt like a jump from a high cliff, yet this gave me as much adrenaline. But I didn't want to fall. So I continued to kiss him.

His hands made their way up to my shoulders, and they disposed off my coat. I decided that he should dispose of his too.

Coat-less, Jameson span and pushed me up against the wall that separates our two rooms. The wall next to the dorm door. But I didn't care anymore. If we were to be damned, we'd be damned knowing that we walked through the fire and it embraced us.

The shoes came off next. It was hard, but I somehow knew how to do it. It was like the life or death situation at the pool. I didn't know how to swim, but I suddenly knew how to in order to save my life.

No, Jameson would not save my life. But the response was similar. I needed him like I had needed the oxygen. And not just because he is my Guardian. I didn't know why or what made everything instinctive around him, but I could feel in my bones that this was right. Even if it was so wrong.

In that moment, everything in the world faded away. I was no longer the girl who had been trapped in a cage, he was no longer the boy that neglected to know I was in the cage. I wasn't anything but his, he wasn't anything but mine.

His inner light danced with my inner shadows. His scathed surface met my dying memories. We belonged. I felt it.

And apparently so did Jameson, since he ripped off my top pretty quick. I heard him groan when he realised that I had a vest top underneath.

Before he could remove that too, I slid my hands up his shirt and pressed them against his bare chest. I could count his abs—and tell Lexi what she wanted to know.

Instead, I withdrew my hands, gathered the fabric of his t-shirt, and yanked it off.

It was a whirlwind, an perhaps that's the reason I pulled away so abruptly.

"Sky." Jameson whispered, and then repeated my name in that same way, pressing the side of his face against the side of mine as he kissed my shoulder.

"This is happening too fast." I told him, only to get a hum in response.

"I'm sorry–" I broke off as he attacked my neck with his lips.

"Jameso–" but I couldn't even finish his name.

Despite what he probably wanted, Jameson pulled away from me, but still held me by the waist.

"Sorry, it's just hard to let you go." He admitted, leaning down and pressing his forehead against mine.

"You aren't letting me go," I told him, "I'm right here." I watched Jameson smile as he pulled away. I looked up at him, watching him practically shine.

He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "Yes, I'll go to the Ball with you." When my response was a massive grin, his smile broadened.

"I thought that was a given." I said, gazing up at him. He only hummed in response, but I was staring at him in such an intent way that you would think he was reciting an essay.

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