This is the life I've always dreamed of and it is finally coming true but with few chances but that doesn't matter at all. "You know I never got the chance to say thank you for saving me life and to say that what you did was reckless and stupid. I know now that even if I wanted to there is no way stopping you from doing stupid things but that doesn't mean I won't stop to keep you from things like that" Jason says with sadness, no don't be sad. I don't like it when he is sad. But everything he said is true and I don't like begin the person who makes Jason sad. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do. And before I knew it I felt so much pain and then I was gone" I say speaking the truth to him.

Now it is my turn to me sad, I look down almost with tears in my eyes when I think of all the pain I went through. "Hey it's all right you never have to feel that kind of pain again, I will keep you safe from any harm" He says and puts his arms around me, while I am still it's lap like he is protecting me from the world and I let him. I want him to protect me but not if he gets hurt, I couldn't live with myself knowing that he got hurt just by protecting me, and I've already died so I know what that feels. "That does remind me, what happened after you went and how did you come back to life?" Jason asks me with a little worry in his voice like I will go away soon but I can promise you that it isn't easy to get rid of me.

I don't even know where to start explaining to him but somehow I knew he would want to know what really happened and I would have to tell him about that place. "The white light took me somewhere, it was only black no matter where I did go. After begin there for awhile this appeared on my back I say pointing at my wings, then Daphne came which turns out to be my mother but that's a story for later. Anyway she taught me how to use the wings and then to make a long story short I am an angel and I am gifted with a element power and then I just used them to get out of that place and for some reason I ended up here but I'm glad. So what happened here in the real world after I went away?" I ask trying to avoid him asking questions about that place I really don't want to remember anything from that place.

He looks shocked at my words, I knew that he would be shocked but who wouldn't be? "One minute. I was holding you in my arms begging you not to go then the next minute you turned to light and disappeared, now one week later you suddenly appeared in front of me" He says with tears in his eyes but still smiles at the last part. I put my hand on his cheek and smile at him. Wait I was died for a whole week, for me in that place it felt like hours but apparently it wasn't. Wow, no wonder why he was nearly freaking out when I came. I think we are both avoiding the question of what happened to Liam and I don't really care about him. I want to forget about him forever if possible and I'm pretty sure he is out of our life forever.

We both hear my stomach growl making me realize that I haven't eaten anything in a very long time. "Come on, I need to feed that stomach of your. I don't want you to starve" He says as he picks me up and takes me to the kitchen. "I can offer you a sandwich and then both of us need to rest, this has been a long day and we need the rest" He says as he hands me a sandwich and I eat it without seeing what kind of sandwich this is and I really don't care. I look outside the window and I see it's in the middle of the night, wow I had no idea it was this late. I knew I was hungry by I had no idea I I was this hungry. I am starving, I'm enjoying it very much. "How am I going to sleep with these wings?" I ask but more to myself, but it's good to have someone helping me with things like that.

Jason looks like he is deep in thoughts and looks down on the floor, then his eyes meet mine and he smiles. "You'll sleep with me" He says a smirks. I give him a look that says 'seriously' "That doesn't really answer my question" I say to him as I take the last bite of my sandwich, it was so good. "I said before that I will never let anything happen to you which means I can't leave you alone for one second not even at night. I'm your protector" I tells me with a serious look, I thought he was kidding before guess not. Not that I am complaining or anything, I like having him around me all the time. "Anyway can we go back to the point where you help me find a solution of this problem, I want these wings to disappear when I want to and reappear when I need them, It's kind of annoying to them all the time" I say.

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