"Okay..", I said, as I slowly let sleep take over. 


I felt myself being shaken, AGAIN. I opened my eyes and was about to glare at the person, but the person turned out to be Lili. I rubbed my eyes and smiled at her, "We're here.", she told me, smiling back. 

I stood up and immediately got dragged off by Elizabeta who appeared out of nowhere, the other girls following behind us. It seemed like the boys hadn't arrived yet, so we were first. She dragged me off towards the girls' locker room, I quickly tried to pull free, with no vain. 

Elizabeta and Emma locked the door behind them and gave me grins that made me feel uneasy, the other girls were already in their locker, dressing up. 

"U-Umm, can I help you two?", I asked, feeling very uncomfortable. 

I saw Emma holding something behind her back and then show it towards me, I gasped and tried to get out as fast as I could, but the door was locked. 

"Fuck no! Get me out of here! Help!", I yelled. The two girls started walking closer towards me with the black bikini in Emma's hands. 

-----Another time skip full of yelling and screaming-----

"Come on, witch. Get out of the locker.", Elizabeta said as she knocked on the door after I pushed them out. 

"N-No!", I said, completely embarrassed. 

"Okay then....Natalia!"


"Please open this door for me."


"Wai----", and with that, the door was loudly kicked open, exposing me. Elizabeta immediately pulled me out of the locker, running towards the beach while I tried to cover myself. Luckily, nobody was here yet other than the girls. 

We started walking towards a beautiful cabin, which I guess was where we were going to sleep in. We walked inside, and I gasped at the beautiful sight. I would've liked it even more if it was black...

Soon enough, we heard honks coming from at the beach, so I guess the boys got here as well. Elizabeta dragged me towards a room, "This is our room!", she yelled as she pushed me in. 

"Mhm.", I only said as I took out a marker and drew a line in the middle of the room. 

"You're not crossing this line.", I told her as she gave me an 'are you serious' look. 

"....Anyway! Let's go to the beach!", she yelled as she grabbed my hand, dragging me off again. 

We made it to the beach with the other girls, seeing that the boys were still dressing up. I quickly hid behind Natalia, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. 

"I'll protect you.", she told me as she held me close. I heard the other girls 'aww' at the sight, while I just flipped them off. 

Soon enough, the boys walked out of the locker room and walked to us, me still hiding behind Natalia. They then asked Elizabeta for the keys to the cabin, which she gave them. 

"Ve~ Where's the witch?", Feliciano asked, confused. I quickly hid further behind Natalia, not wanting to be seen. 

"Oh, he's here~.", Elizabeta said with a smug look as she pulled me from my hiding spot, exposing me to the boys. I quickly tried to pull free as the boys stared, their faces turning red. 

Then a guy which I could've sworn I had seen before walked towards me with a rose in his hand, "You look lovely~", he purred as he kissed up my arm. I gave him a disgusted look, prying him off. He soon got hit on top of his head by Arthur who had a pissed off look on his face. 

The guys soon snapped out of it and quickly ran towards the cabin, shouting about 'I call dibs on the biggest room', etc. I just sighed and walked towards the water. 

"Something tells me that I'm not going to enjoy this tiny vacation.", I muttered as I sat on the water and looked at the beautiful waves. 


I updated, yay. So basically this will be you spending time with the 1p's, but don't worry I'll definitely let you have your time with the 2p's. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Cya!

Vampire!Hetalia x Witch!Male!Reader x Werewolf!2p!Hetalia AU -Witch's life-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن