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While Bakehyun was with Sehun, Chanyeol ran to Suho. He came in the room without even knocking finding Suho mid changing. He looked at the olders bare back and sighed closing the door and inviting himself in.

"...Chanyeol? ... Why have you come here?" He said while yawning and ruffling his hair before jumping in his bed. The dim table light was enough to make both of their faces visible.

"...Hyung something happened...."

"What?.... Tell me pabo... can I help you somehow?" The older stared at Chanyeols concerned face.


"What about him?"

The two of them stayed quiet as only relaxing sound of rain was heard. The dim light of the table lamp flickered and a soft buzzing of mosquitos were heard in the room lol. ಥ‿ಥ

".....He kissed me..." Chayeol whispered so quietly that Suho didn't hear him.

"... he what? Tell me already Jesus...." Suho was slowly getting in patient with the youngers silence.

Chanyeol sighed and closed his eye's flopping on Chen's bed and repeated himself louder "....He kissed me.... Hyung, Baekhyun kissed me... it took me off guard and I didn't know how to react....aish that stupid bean sprout...." he groaned in frustration.

Suho only chuckled awkwardly and stretched while yawning "So?... Did you like it? Did you feel anything?"

Chanyeol sat up and looked at Suho with poker face "The only thing I felt is the lost of my sanity... other then that... I don't know... it's not like I hated... and they are just as sweet, as they were before.... But.... I just.... my heart, it stopped beating for a second... But it didn't raise... it's like, I don't love him anymore... I don't long for him..." Chanyeol sighed and pulled on his hair.

Suho chuckled and sat beside Chanyeol while ruffling his hair "... Is it because you love someone else?..." the older smiled at him and sighed.

"...Yeah... Hyung... Can I ask for help with something?

"Hmmm?... What is it?"

"....Help me fight for Kyungsoos love...."




"...will you help me or not?"

".....ahhh.... I'll help you...."


"....yeah.... no problems..."


Another awkward silence stood between them and a sudden sigh left Suhos lips knowing he's taking the wrong step. But if it's the only way to make Chanyeol realize about his one sided love was by breaking his heart. He was willing to help the younger, even if it ment that he will be the one hurt the most in the end.

"...Chan.... I'll tell you a secret.... Don't tell anyone... or I won't help you...." Suho said while slumping on the floor to sit infront of the younger.

"Hmmm? What is it?......aish fine I promise..." Chanyeol said while ruffling his hair and looking at the olders eye's black with a slight shine in them.

"Pinky promise?" He lifted his pinky which made Chanyeol chuckle and he nodded making a pinky promise with Suho.

".... I like to hide in the closet and listen to people talk... in other words eavesdrop..." Suho said while sighing seeing Chanyeols scared, slightly freaked out face.

"What?" He looked at the older surpised and in disbelief to which Suho replied with another sigh.

"WELL you bishes are always scared to talk to me, plus it's interesting to listen to other people talk.... also give me back my box of Choco crunch you freak... i saw you hide them under your bed... ಠ╭╮ಠ " Suho pouted making grabby hands at Chanyeol, which he thought was kinda cute of the older to do.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ he shouted from surprised which made Suho burst into laughter and hold his stomach.

"SIKE! BISH YOU THOUGHT! HAH- You're such a dork.. I told you I always stay in closet... I like to read books and shiet too... it's cramped, but it feels safe..so I saw you put it under your bed... well i was spying on you to find out why you were ignoring me, you lil shit...." ヾ(`ε´)ノ Suho shook his head showing he was disappointed in Chanyeol which made the younger crack into laughed as well.

"Yo were your children..." Chanyeol grumped under his nose. ∧( ‘Θ’ )∧

"Children my ass, you oversize Oaf!"
(╯°□°)╯︵( .O.)

"HYUNG WHAT'S WITH THIS LANGUAGE?! WE ARE YOUR FUTURE!"  Chanyeol gasped with eye's wide open. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 

"CHANYEOL yer' pushing me over the FUCKING LINE!"  (ง'̀-'́)ง 

"No I'm fucking not! And whats with the sudden ASCENT?!" Chanyeol panicked while looking at Suho confused.  6(இ_இ)9

"LISTEN UP YA HAIRY BASKER CASE! NO ONE TOUCHES MY FUCKING CHOCO CRUNCH! DEAL. WITH. IT. YA TWAT!" Suho shouts while standing up and so does Chanyeol.  ヾ(`ε´)ノ

"FINE I WON'T TOUCH YOUR STINKY CHOCO CRUNCH! BUT YOU BETTER HELP ME WITH KYUNGSOO YA SMALL BOWL-HAIR CUT BASTARD!" Chanyeol yalled back at Suho who was about to yell back until the door suddenly slammed open and xiumin was standing there angry making the two of them gulp.

 "........."     ˏ₍•ɞ•₎ˎ  ( ⬅Chanyeol)  ˏ₍•ɞ•₎ˎ ( Suho)

"WON'T YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP! TAKE THOSE GOD DAMN CHOCO CRUNCH AND STICK IT UP YOUR DICK HOLE'S!" Xiumin shouted as he threw two boxes of Choco crunch for Chanyeol and Suho, then slammed the door shut making the windows quiver. ಠ╭╮ಠ 

Chanyeol and Suho stood there in shock before looking back at each other and bursting into laughter squeezing the boxes, before calming down and sighing.



".....Thanks for making me laugh...."

Suho chuckled and turned at Chnayeol "...Your welcome...." he smiled at him and so did Chanyeol. The younger got up from the bed once again and stood up. "I should go... where will we go tommorow Hyung?"

"Hmmmm..... If I remember correctly we are going to Lotte world.... Hah-!" He clapped his hands smiling "Its the perfect chance to spend time with Kyungsoo!" He chuckled and winked at Chanyeol while smiling and so did Chanyeol.

"Great now I can't wait for tommorow...ahhh.... Good night Hyung...." he smiled at the older sweetly and Suho smiled back.



Sorry for this chapter somehow I was not serious today and couldn't make this even a bit serious, but somehow I was able to imagine Suho and Chanyeol fighting over cereal :') I hope you liked and pls vote °^°.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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