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    "Hidan... Hidan! Wake up."
"Wha- Go back to sleep Koneko..." He mutters before wrapping his arms around me.
I gasp out in pain before more urgently telling him to wake up. "It's time."
"It's time for sleep."
"No you fucking idiot! The baby is coming, I'm in labor. Go get Sakura!"
His eyes widen and he sits up before looking at me. I feel another contraction and sit back down on the bed as the pain courses through me.
"Fuck! I'd rather get stabbed than this shit!"
"Oh shit, oh shit. Hey Pink Bitch!" Hidan calls out as he rushes out of the room.
Thank Jashin that he finally seems to realize the gravity of the situation.
Sakura and Hidan come back within a minute and she has him help me walk to the infirmary.  

She has me change into one of Hidan's shirts so I'm not fully naked, then has me lie back on one of the beds. I'd only ever been hurt bad enough to land in here once or twice, so I'm not used to being in here. I watch as she moves throughout the small clinic with ease, hooking me up to the various monitors and such surrounding me. Once she seems satisfied with all of the tubes coming out of my hands and arms, she digs through the medicines and pulls out a vial and needle. I glare at her and tell her to fuck off with it.

"This will ease the pain. Trust me, you'll want it."
I bite my lip as a seriously painful fucking contraction tears through me before nodding. As the pain subsides, she has me sit up and puts the needle into my back. I hiss at the pain but a few minutes later, I can't feel my legs.
"Maybe childbirth won't be so fucking bad." Another contraction hits me and though the pain isn't as bad, it still hurts. "Ah shit! Never mind! Hidan I fucking blame you for putting this baby in me! Be glad you're fucking immortal otherwise your ass would be fucking dead! Sakura, get this baby out of me!"
"It's not time yet. You have to be more dilated. Until then, we just have to wait." She explains.
"That could take fucking forever!" I whine.
Ten and a half painful hours later, I hear a baby crying. I look to Hidan as my head falls back against the pillow and his gaze is focused on Sakura. I can't see through the blanket that's covering my legs. His eyes are wide and I can see them glistening but he's not crying. I've never seen Hidan this emotional. I squeeze his hand as the cries continue and I try desperately to see what Sakura is holding. Neither of them are saying anything.
"H-Hidan... Is it..." I mutter.
"It's here." He tells me quietly.
Sakura has moved away from me with a bundle in her hands and I can see her at the sink across the room. I still can't see anything.
"I-I can't see it." I tell him, feeling myself start to cry.
"You will, Short Stack. She's got to clean it up and take care of it, alright?" He tells me before leaning down to kiss me. "You did well."
"You didn't pass out. Good job." I tease with a small smile.
"Hush. You have no idea the horror I witnessed."
"I-I love you." I tell him, then clap a hand over my mouth. We'd never said anything like that to each other.
"I love you too."
"Congratulations you two, it's a girl." Sakura says, coming over to me with a bundle of fabric.
She places it in my arms and I look down before bursting into tears.

                 Inside the bundle of blankets, I look down at a precious, pale face. She's got my skin tone for sure. Her wide eyes open to show very grey almost white eyes. My own eyes widen and I hurriedly ask Sakura if she's blind. Sakura moves over to my other side and looks down her eyes. Sakura smiles and tells me that no, she's not blind, she just has a very pale eye color. I look up at Hidan to find him watching the baby carefully.

"I don't know where the color came from. It's not from either of us or my parents. What about your side?" I ask him.
"My grandmother." He mutters.
I move the blanket back to see if she's got any hair. To my surprise, she has very fair hair covering her head, and it's the same super pale color as Hidan's. I run my finger through it and smile.
"She's got your hair."
"But she looks just like you."
"So, what are you two going to name her?" Sakura asks as she fills out a paper on the counter nearby.
I look up at Hidan who tells me that I should name her.
"Would you like to give her a second name?" I ask, remembering that there are babies lately that are born with two names, a given one and another in the middle before their clan name.
He looks at me with wide eyes. "What if I name her something stupid?"
"You'll do fine." I reassure him before looking back at our daughter. "I want to name her Yuki."

                 After cleaning me up and unhooking me from some of the machines, Sakura leaves the three of us in peace. She's going to stay for the week to make sure that Yuki and I are still healthy and doing alright before returning to Konoha. Hidan decided to give her the second name Akatsuki, obviously in honor of our organization and the family that had fallen before us. So our daughter's name is Yuki Akatsuki Hanari. Hidan pulled up a chair beside my bed and I let him hold her. He was petrified at first and refused to touch her for fear of breaking her or something, but I made him take deep breaths before I carefully put the bundle in his arms. Almost instantly, his demeanor changes and I can see the pure happiness lit up in his eyes. His gaze moves back and forth between Yuki and I. I smile back at him as she wiggles happily in his arms.

"She likes you."      

A/N: Awwwwww they had a little baby! <3 soo cute! Next chapter will be the last in this book, then shortly afterward, Ghost will begin. 

Moving On (Book 2 of Don't Call Me Kitten) *COMPLETE*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt