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A/N: This will be a split chapter. The first is in Koneko's point of view, then after the ~~~~ will change to Hidan's view. Cautionary TRIGGER WARNING for violence, possible sexual assault references, etc. 

            My escape attempt didn't work, as no one had come back for several hours. Just as I started to lose my resolve to stay awake, the door opens and I immediately lunge at the person. It's Kioshi again and he quickly gains the upper hand given our size difference. He's taller so his limbs are longer and he weighs a bit more than me despite his small frame. I attempt to cut his throat with the shuriken and he leans back out of the way before grabbing my wrist and squeezing it painfully until a crack is heard. I bite my lip to hold back the scream and taste blood in my mouth. I let it fill before spraying it into his face. My shuriken fell when he broke my wrist but it quickly ends up in his hand and held close to my jugular. I glare at him, my eyes full of hatred as I hold myself still enough to not get cut.
"You're a clever girl, aren't you? Now, Koneko, what do you fear?"
"Bite me fucker! Like I'd tell you shit. As I said, I fear nothing. Good luck."

                       Despite my newfound hatred for this little shit, I admit he looks kinda hot when he's covered in blood. It plays off of his dark hair fairly well. But, now is not the time for that. I maintain eye contact as he seems to be contemplating things that I could be afraid of. I take his distracted state to my advantage and careful not to jar my wrist too badly, I manage to flip us over to where he's pinned underneath me. I swing at him with my good arm and manage a few good hits on his face before he can catch my arm.

"Go into any situation focused and with a plan. Know what you're doing before all else. Otherwise you will fail." I chastise him with a smirk on my face. I get to my feet and go to make the hand signs for the water needle attack I'd seen Haku use back then. He was able to do the signs one-handed so hopefully I can pull it off. Kioshi pulls a kunai from his pouch and lunges toward me. I dodge him the best I can and try to form the signs. I make it to the last one as he slams me against the wall, his hand on my throat.
"Nice try Koneko. I'll give you credit for originality though."
I kick out at him but his knees press against my legs to keep me from moving.
"Fuck you!" I choke out.
"Hm, I just might." He answers with a smirk.
He fucking wouldn't...

                  Fuck this stupid mission. It's fucking rained my entire trip so far and the stupid money isn't even that fucking good. Fuck! I should've waited for Koneko to wake up so she could tell me it wouldn't be worth it. I'm just going to go back to the base. Forget all of this fuckery. I turn on heel and head back toward the base. If I hurry I'll be back by this evening and Koneko can make me food. I'm so hungry. I forgot to pack food. I'm so stupid. Atleast the rain has stopped... or not.
"Fuck!" I shout.

                 I make it back to the area near the base and decide to stop in and tell the siblings that they can have the job if they want it. I knock on their door and Michiko opens it with an annoyed glare that quickly turns wide eyed. She recovers quickly and tells me that she thought I'd be travelling still. I tell her that I'd changed my mind and ask if she knew if Koneko left.
"No, I'm sure she's around somewhere." With that she shuts the door and locks it.
I flip off the door before heading home to our base. I call out for Koneko as I make my way through the base but the pink haired girl is nowhere in sight. I go back through the rooms in search of a note that she may have left behind but find nothing except the one I'd left. I hear a loud banging sound at the front of the base and go to investigate, my hand reaching automatically to my scythe. When the door opens, there's no one there. I sigh and go to close the door again but I notice something stabbed into a tree a few feet away. Upon closer inspection, I feel my blood boiling. I tear the paper down and read over it again before pulling the shirt down. It looks like one of Koneko's and there's blood splattered on it. I sniff the shirt and know for sure it's hers. It smells like cherries and coffee. I look back down at the paper and kick the tree before going back inside. I toss the shirt onto the table and reread the note over and over again.
"We have Koneko. We assure you she's still alive for now. If you want to see her again, come alone to this location with the money. Fuck everything! I'll rip their fucking heads off their fucking bodies! Now what the fuck do I do?"

                 I march back over to Michiko and Kioshi's and beat on the door. It opens a moment later to reveal Kioshi. He raises an eyebrow and asks if I needed something. No, I just randomly decided to beat on his door for no reason whatsoever. I snap at him to not be stupid and tell him that Koneko had been taken. His eyes widen and he moves out of the way to let me into the base. I make my way down the hall, letting out a steady stream of curses as I tell him what happened. I stop in their main room and punch the stone before running my hand through my hair. Fucking shit. He apologizes and tells me that I should just pay the people and get her back.

"Why the fuck would I- are you bleeding?" I ask, pointing at the trail of blood running from his hairline.
His eyes widen and he wipes it away. "Oh, uh- Michiko and I were training before you showed up."
"Kioshi, dinner is ready! It took an entire hour but I did it without burning the base down. Are you going to feed- oh, it's you. How nice."
Michiko comes around the corner and her grin turns into a scowl.
"I thought you were training?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"We were earlier. I must've split it back open."
"Who are you going to feed? I thought it was just the two of you." I press, feeling like there's something off.
"Oh, there's a deer that keeps coming around. Kioshi likes to feed it now ,right Kioshi?"
Kioshi nods and I watch his movements as he passes by to stand next to his sister. My eyes widen slightly as I notice a piece of sky blue plastic on the floor near the table I'm standing near. I look closer and realize that it's the flip up part on Koneko's travel cup lid and it suddenly clicks.
"Where's Koneko?"     

Moving On (Book 2 of Don't Call Me Kitten) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now