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A/N: I still don't have a definitive picture of Koneko :/ but as per usual, I put pictures up of girls with pink hair and blue eyes. If anyone wants to draw her, that'd be awesome.

                 I enter the base after a day and a half of travelling and head immediately to my room to shower. After showering I go into the kitchen with my bag of medicines and start a dinner for Hidan and myself so I can take the pills. While it cooks, I search the base for him but I turn up empty. Where did he go? I didn't find a note anywhere, so I'm sure he'll be back soon. I finish cooking dinner and serve myself. I eat in silence, take my pills, wash the dishes, and put away the extra food without him coming back. I let out a sigh and go back to my bedroom to finish reading the book I'd started before I got sick. I leave my door open so I'll know when he gets back and flop across the bed. My mind drifts back to what happened yesterday with the little girl Yumi and what Kakashi had said afterward. Yes, when I was younger I dreamed about helping the villagers and teaching children or becoming an ANBU officer, but that was forcefully taken away from me. I could go back and become a citizen again, thanks to my father's pull as the Hokage, but could I really do that after everything I'd done? Could I really leave the last friend I have? I don't know. I let out a sigh and reread the same paragraph again before slamming the book closed and tossing it on my dresser.

                 It's seven in the morning and Hidan is still not home. I haven't slept, something I didn't realize until I checked the time four different times. I roll over and off of my bed before moving into the kitchen to eat and take my pills. The doctor said I needed to take them to hold back the last of the cough and stuff. Several hours pass and I get the urge to train but I know the doctor said not for another week. It's terrible. You can't tell a ninja not to train, not to fight. It's just not in our brain wiring. The rest of the day and night passes without seeing Hidan and I start to worry. I know he's incredibly hard to kill but still. I figured he'd atleast leave something telling me where he went but I imagine he didn't know when I would be coming back. He needs to hurry up and come back though. I lay on my bed trying to fall asleep, but I can't get comfortable.  

                  As a last ditch effort to get any sleep, I move to Hidan's room to see if I could sleep there since I've slept there before. Though the sheets smell like him and it's somewhat soothing, I still can't get any sleep. I toss and turn for several hours before getting up and deciding to sit out in the dark for a while. I activate the Hanari symbol as I step out, allowing me to see everything clearly while I'm outside. That activity quickly grows boring and as I get to my feet go inside again, the rumble of approaching thunder reaches my ears. A pit of worry grows in my stomach and I slink back into the base just before the rain begins to pour. Why does it have to be the rainy season? The storm hits within a few minutes and I find myself pacing nervously and flinching at every clap of thunder. Kisame's not here, Sasori's not here, Hidan's not here, no one is here. I'm such a great ninja... I'm not afraid of people, weapons, death, but I'm afraid of natural phenomena like thunderstorms.

                 I wake up in Hidan's room on his bed, with him asleep beside me. My mind instantly jumps back to the day I got sick but I shake it aside and try to piece together what happened to lead to us being in the bed together. Last I remember I was pacing the halls... I don't know... I try to move out from underneath him and it leads to me being dragged up against his chest again. This time I'm not going to go back to sleep. Ignoring my embarrassment about being this close to a man, I reach up and begin to lightly pat and poke at his face. I hear him grumble complaints and mentally cheer. I'm getting closer. I keep poking him and finally his eyes open. He looks around for a moment before looking down at me.

"Welcome back Short Stack." He mutters as he stretches, leading to my face being crushed into his chest.
"Where have you been?" I ask as I'm able to breathe again.
"I picked up a bounty that the siblings didn't want. It ran over and I wasn't sure when you'd be back."
"Who are the siblings?" I ask.
"There's a brother and sister that are staying nearby. They're both rogue ninja from Suna or something. I had them pick up medicines and foods for me while you were sick. They delivered the letter to your father for me so I could get you taken care of. How long have you been back?"
"Two and a half days now. Being in the base while it's empty sucks."
"I know. I was bored as shit while you were gone. So what happened while you were in Konoha?"
"Not much. I was trapped in the hospital until the last day. I saw Pineapple and my father, then two of my old teammates. I spent most of my time with my father trying to convince me to stay in Konoha. He thinks I'd be good with children. Hilarious, right?"
"You told him fuck no, right?"
"I couldn't just abandon you after spending several hours digging you up and piecing you back together."
"You will never let me live it down, will you?" He asks, scowling down at me.
I shake my head and grin before slipping through his grasp and going into the kitchen to make breakfast.

                 Hidan comes shuffling through a few minutes later to steal a cup of coffee and asks what I'd like to do today. I tell him that I'd love to train but I'm on doctor's rest until next week. He frowns then remembers that those siblings he spoke of wanted to meet me. I shrug and tell him I don't see a problem with going after I've showered and we've both eaten. So, within an hour we head outside and I let him lead me through the trees toward these strange people he met. I miss all the good stuff, I suppose.     

Moving On (Book 2 of Don't Call Me Kitten) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now