Heartbreaks Abound (Part 1)

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                               I could feel my heart swell as he kissed me. I planned on simply ignoring my lapse in self-control last night but I guess he doesn't. I feel my eyes flutter closed and my mouth starts to move with his own. It's something that I didn't know I wanted, no, needed. But yet it still doesn't say what is going to come of this. What happens on the other side of this kiss? I pull away at that thought and manage to slip out from under him again and escape to the bathroom.


                    My body feels as if it's been electrified and my heart is beating out of control. Who knew emotions could affect someone so badly? I attempt to calm myself as I shower and dress, reminding myself I have to be focused when I kill my target today. He shouldn't be hard to deal with regardless but I enjoy the real-life battling more than trying to kill Hidan at home. Thinking about it now, I could've ruined everything with that kiss. As much as I would like to, I can't hide in the bathroom all day, I remind myself as I stare at myself in the mirror. My hair has gotten longer since the war, falling past my elbows now. When I was taken by Deidara it stopped just above my shoulders. I should probably cut it soon. It can get in the way during fights and lead to untimely death. Enough stalling...

                 I open the door to find Hidan leaning against the wall across from me. I move to go back into the main room and he sticks his arm out to block my exit. He asks if I'm done running away and I assure him I don't know what he's talking about as I try to duck under his arm. He catches me and pulls me to his chest.

"Stop running."
"I made a mistake last night, I shouldn't have kissed you." I mutter into his chest.
"Why do you think that?" He doesn't sound mad, just curious.
"You don't do relationships because of your religion and I knew that. I know you don't feel the same and I likely fucked up our whole situation by doing it. I knew it wasn't going to happen so I hoped to ignore it, then you threw me on the bed and practically begged me to tell you but all I could focus on was the fact that your lips were really close to mine!" I blurt out, unable to stop myself.
"What? Like this?"
I look up at him in confusion as his lips crash onto mine. My fingers clench the fabric of his cloak as one of his hands moves to the back of my head, tangling in my wet hair.
"Why do you keep kissing me!?" I ask as I pull away from him.
"Because I wanted to Short Stack. I'll stop if you want." He offers as he walks away from me.
Hell no. He's not walking away right now, ignore the fact I did the same thing a few times now. I move to stand in front of him and cross my arms over my chest.
"You're aware of my feelings yet you're fucking around like this? Seriously?"
He runs a hand through his hair and sighs and I shake my head. In a swift movement I pick up my sword and scythe, and tell him I'm going to get my bounty over with and I'd be back.

                 Hidan didn't stop me from leaving so I quickly find myself strolling through Yugakure to trail my victim. The sun hasn't broken the horizon yet so it's still dead enough around the village to hopefully find and kill him before people begin to wake. My target is apparently a major mafia type man who killed some royal chick in another village far, far away. I was approached in a bar in one of the villages near the base by one of the royal guards. He had been sent to kill the man but wasn't having much luck. I frequented the bar enough that the bartender knew my profession and recommended me. I told the man to meet me outside of Yugakure in three weeks, which is today, and I'd bring him the head of the man. I wouldn't have bothered taking it, politics being one thing I can't stand, but the money involved made it worth it. I think Kakuzu rubbed off on me with the money obsession. My hand drifts to the blue lotus on my arm and I lightly push on it, my vision suddenly becoming clear as if the whole village was giving off light.

                    My gaze falls on a person stumbling around across the street. I calmly walk closer and a faint smirk crosses my face when I realize that it is indeed my target. I can take out my frustrations on him. I think I'll toy with him as well, drawing out his death as I have fun. We're on the very edge of the village now with nothing around us but wide open space and large boulders. This is too easy. My fingers wrap around the handle of my scythe and ready myself to swing. He turns around just as I move my arms downward and his eyes widen before a smirk crosses his face. What?

                 As my scythe almost touches him, a figure darts in between us, their sword clashing loudly with the handle of my scythe. Of course he's got a bodyguard or something. I glare at the figure before my own eyes widen. Why the fuck not? Why doesn't the world just completely fuck me right now? Why the ever-loving fuck not? I hiss at the person to get out of my way, my eyes narrowing dangerously.
"I can't do that."
"And why the hell not? Your legs seem to work fine." I snap.
"It is my duty to ensure this man stays alive." She replies.
"I thought your duty was to abandon your young daughter to go play in bath water for the rest of your life. Move Mother."
Koemi looks hurt at my words but I don't care. I'm already pissed at life, pissed at her, pissed at him, pissed at everything.
"Look, if you don't fucking move then I'll cut you down as well. I don't want you to die because I have questions but I guess I can fucking live without them."

                       I pull my scythe back and swing at her instead, my target forgotten as he curls up against a rock nearby. She catches the blow with her swords, slightly more ornate versions of the ones on my back. In a swift motion, I put my scythe away and draw my swords. Why not kill my mother with the swords she left behind? We find ourselves moving quickly in a volley of attacks and clashing swords. Neither of us can seem to land an actual blow and it's only further pissing me off.
"Who were you hiding from when you fucking abandoned me?" I ask as I slice at her with one sword, my other locked with hers.
"No! Don't fucking Koneko me. Tell me!" I shout, bringing up a foot to kick her.
The kick connects and I watch her skitter backward across the ground. I rush after her tumbling body and hold the point of the sword to her throat.
"Tell me." I growl.
She sighs. "I was young, Koneko. I was about your age when I had you. Your father was older and we'd met while he was on a mission in a village near the Hanari compound. When I ended up pregnant, I knew I couldn't take care of you how you should be, so I did the only thing I could think of. I went to the Leaf and found Kakashi, hoping he'd take care of you. I used the story that someone was after us so maybe when he told you about me leaving, that you wouldn't hate me."
I actually laugh at her story. "You were old enough to spread your damn legs, you were old enough to raise me. You left me with my father out of your own selfishness! Do you know what he was going through? His teammates died and his father killed himself. He didn't need a toddler thrust into his arms on top of that!"
I swing down at her as she pushes the sword aimed at her away and gets to her feet.
"You were a fucking coward!"      

A/N: Heavy, right? I hope it turned out okay, this chapter got way off of what I'd originally intended but I kinda like it. I just got lost in the music and typed. *Shrugs* Part two to come shortly, likely in Hidan's point of view. 

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