Good Morning

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                   I think I pushed Koneko too far, trying to figure out who the fuck she liked. Part of me wondered if it was someone from Konoha since she said it was around that time that she started feeling these things. It'd make sense. She grew up there before we took her away and I could see it in her eyes when she talked about her father and her run-in with the little girl. She misses it. I can't help but feel a bit of anger and resentment at the thought of her going back to those people. While waiting for her to come back from the bathroom, I get up and quickly change into loose fitting pants and remove my cloak before sprawling back out across the bed. She returns a few seconds later and stares at the bed for a second before sitting down at the table across the small room. I toss a pillow at her in an attempt to get her to smile, move closer, speak, something. Despite the ten drinks she had at the bar, she catches the pillow without looking and tosses it back. I ask what's wrong with her and she replies with her typical response of 'nothing'. I tell her that she's lying and I know it and her response is to let her head fall onto the tabletop and telling me to drop it. I'll show her 'drop it' in a second. I get to my feet and cross the room then swiftly pick her up and drop her onto the bed. Knowing she'd move quickly, I put my hands on the bed by her head, trapping her. I can feel her body tense up and her eyes are darting around, seeming to not focus on anything for too long.
"W-What are y-you doing?" She stutters.
I almost feel bad for doing this, but since she's my partner and we're pretty much stuck with each other she needs to open up.
"Tell me what's fucking wrong with you." I order, staring into her deep blue eyes.
She tells me that she can't and I reassure her that she can and to just tell me. I can see the hesitation in her eyes as she avoids my gaze.
"Tell me." I repeat softer, ready to give up if she doesn't tell me.
She looks up at my eyes and then further down my face before her eyes close and suddenly her lips are on mine.
My eyes widen and my body tenses in shock as I realize what the hell is actually going on. My mind starts to fight itself on what to do. Do I kiss her back or not? Before I can get my body to react one way or another, she pulls away and I notice tears in her eyes before she slips out from underneath me and leaves the room. Why do I keep fucking up like this?

                 I stare at the door for a while hoping that she'll come back on her own. I had no idea that she was referring to me when it came to the possible feelings for someone. Looking back now, I should've known better. Why am I so fucking stupid? The real question is, how to deal with this situation. I don't want to hurt Koneko but at the same time, could something like that really work for us? Relationships are just not a thing that I've ever really cared for and Jashin isn't too fond of those types of things either. Also with our lifestyle, would that be wise even if I wanted to? How the fuck do I deal with this? I sigh and run a hand through my hair. Think logically, Hidan. Figure yourself out first. I admit, I've found myself oddly attracted to Koneko but still how would things be? How are things going to be regardless? Fuck! I get to my feet and grab my cloak before opening the door to look for her. As I open the door it connects with something with a loud 'thud'. I move the door and look around it to find a drunk now passed out on the floor. Oops. I shut the door and move past him toward the front desk. Maybe the old fucker saw her leave.

                 An hour later, I return to the inn alone and pissed off. I couldn't find her anywhere so I guess I'll just wait for her to return on her own. I pick the lock on the door since she has the key and toss my cloak on one of the chairs. I turn on the lamp beside the bed and jump slightly as I find Koneko sleeping on it, curled up in a ball. Her clothing has changed yet again and I raise an eyebrow at the large black t-shirt. Oh, it's mine. Why does she keep stealing my clothing? I sigh and ignore it, happy that she's come back atleast. I judge the remaining space on the bed before carefully laying down behind her and turning off the lamp. We'll deal with everything tomorrow.

                 I wake up early to find Koneko curled up against my chest and this time it's not my doing. I sigh and run my fingers through her tangled pink locks. I don't know what's going to happen when she wakes up, but for now I'm enjoying the peace. While searching for her last night, I thought about it and I hate to admit it, but I really do have some form of feelings for her. I refuse to dig deeper into it, but I know it's there. I know I care about her and I worry about her safety, I think she's hot as hell but that's just an added bonus. I lean down and softly kiss her forehead. Her eyes flutter open and I can see several emotions flicker through them as the sleepy haze dies away. Happiness, shock, confusion, sadness, curiosity, hunger. Of course she's thinking about food.

"Good morning." I mutter quietly, trying not to scare her away.
"G'morning." She whispers before moving to get out of bed.
I lightly tighten my grip and pull her back toward me.
"Hey. Look-"
"Just forget about it, okay?" Her eyes drop from mine.
I tilt her head up gently to get her to look at me. "I'm not going to forget about it. It's something that we can't just ignore."
Her eyes start to well up and I sigh before leaning in to kiss her.     

A/N: Aww, I liked writing this. <3 Both of them suck at emotions. 

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