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                 Several months have passed since everything happened and Michiko and Kioshi were murdered by Hidan. It took a long time before I wasn't afraid of everything and I didn't flinch at Hidan's touch. Things aren't completely back to normal yet, but we're recovering. My wrist took two months to fix but now I'm able to move it again. For several weeks afterward, Hidan wouldn't leave me alone for very long, like he was afraid that I'd suddenly disappear if he looked away. He will have to deal with me being away for a week or so, though, because Kakashi's birthday is in a few days and I'm going to Konoha to visit him. During a trip a few weeks prior, I'd found a signed copy of one of his dirty books in a bookstore, so I picked it up for his gift. My only problems with my trip to Konoha are simple: I hadn't told Hidan I was leaving and I didn't tell Kakashi I was coming. I turn over in bed to find Hidan still asleep, so I slip out of his grip and decide to make breakfast in an attempt to soften the inevitable argument that will come from me leaving. Today will be wonderful, I'm sure.

                 As I plate the breakfast, Hidan drifts in and kisses the top of my head before stealing a plate and a cup of coffee. I join him at the table and I let him drink a couple of cups of coffee before casually bringing up the topic. I avoid his gaze as I start to talk about it, then flinch as his fork clatters against the plate.

"You're not going." He mutters before picking up his fork again.
"Because you're not."
"I'm just going to see my father. It's not like I'm doing anything dangerous." I remind him.
"That doesn't matter, Koneko. You're not going."
"You're not my boss, Hidan. I'm going and that's final." I snap, getting annoyed with his lack of discussion on the matter.
He lets out a steady stream of curses before sighing. "It's too dangerous."
"I'm not a fucking child, Hidan. I'm going to see my father and that's that."
"Something could happen-"
"Something could happen at any time! That's a part of life and a part of being a ninja. You can't lock me away to keep me safe." My anger fizzles out halfway through my thoughts and I sigh. "You just have to trust me, yeah? I'll be fine, I swear."
He sighs and collects our dishes and puts them in the sink. I get up from my chair and adjust my, uh, his oversized shirt before walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. He doesn't react at first, but slowly his arm moves around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.
"I trust you, Short Stack, you know that right?" He mutters.
I smile at the use of the nickname he gave me years ago and nod, my pink locks that were messily tied back flopping forward into my face.
"I know, you just don't trust anyone else. We could always make a compromise. You accompany me until a safe distance from the village, then I'll go into the village and be under the protection of my father, yeah?"
"I guess I could make that work, but what the hell am I supposed to do until you get back?"
"Clean the base, take a bounty, train, sleep, enjoy the silence, hell I don't know." I list off.
"Something just occurred to me, what do I get out of you leaving?" He asks and I feel his gaze on the top of my head so I look up at him.
"What do you want?" I ask, unsure if it's a safe question.
"I can think of a few things..."
I roll my eyes and lightly smack his arm before walking away to my room.

                 A few hours later, Hidan and I are moving quickly through the forest toward Konoha. He's still uneasy about me going, but it seems to have made him a little calmer travelling with me. We travel in a comfortable silence, my mind focused on hopes that Kakashi will actually be available while I'm around and that everything goes smoothly. So far every time I've gone to do something, something bad happens. Arrested by the ANBU, attacked my mother, got sick and almost died, emotional turmoil over feelings for Hidan, kidnapped by 'friends' and then sexually assaulted by said kidnapper. So far, life has sucked. Well, it's not been all bad. I'm now in a not at all relationship with Hidan. It's not something that I'd ever thought I'd be in but it feels natural to me, like it's how things are supposed to be.

"I thought of something." I say, breaking the silence.
"The day I unburied you, I got to hold your scythe without you complaining."
He falters his step and his expression changes. "Well, you try being dismembered and buried alive..."
"I'll get right on that."
"That first day that you stole my scythe from me I almost killed you." He mutters, smirking at the memory I suppose.
I laugh, remembering how much fun it was. "It was pretty hilarious. Kisame was the only person that I knew wouldn't let you kill me. Kakuzu scolded you for giving your scythe to a child."
"Shut up. Kakuzu was such a fucking buzz kill."
"No, Moody was a buzz kill. 'Respect my authority', 'don't be stupid', 'shut up', 'quit trying to kill my members', blah blah blah. He was fun to pick on though."
"Even though he kicked your ass every other day?"
"Shut up. I totally won." I mutter under my breath.

                 The following afternoon, I say my goodbyes to Hidan a few miles out from the gates of Konoha. His response to that is to toss me over his shoulder and attempt to 'kidnap' me and take me home. After a brief, playful struggle, I convince him to let me down and we say goodbye again. I promise him that I will be back at this same time next week and he swears that he'll break down the gates if I'm not back by then. I roll my eyes and peck his lips before heading through the last stretch of the forest toward the gates.     

Moving On (Book 2 of Don't Call Me Kitten) *COMPLETE*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang