Mood Swings

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                 Being pregnant sucks. It is terrible, awful, and one of the worst things to ever happen in the history of ever. I may be exaggerating slightly, but my ankles are swollen, my stomach is huge, I can't do much of shit, and it's all Hidan's fault. I'm super emotional as well. I got pissed off this morning because when I woke up I didn't see the sunlight. We live in a base made of stone that is almost completely underground, that has no windows. I haven't woken up to the sunlight in a very, very long time, so I don't know what the hell is going on. Sakura told me that it's something to do with my hormones. Regardless, I let myself calm down before attempting to get dressed. None of my clothes fit me anymore, so I've been wearing Hidan's shirts as dresses and a pair of stretch shorts that I can still wear, though they're sitting low. I'm covered and that's all that matters. I'm eight months along now, so according to Sakura, I could technically have the baby at any time, but it's safer if I make it to the nine month mark atleast. I can't touch or see my toes anymore because of my stomach. Who knew you'd get so big when you're pregnant? Babies are so tiny, why do they take up so much space inside me?

                 I go into my room and she checks up on the baby before telling me that everything is fine and that I may feel stomach pains and to let her know if they hurt too badly. She says sometimes they're false contractions that can last until I actually go into labor, but they could always be true contractions and that would mean I'm in labor. My eyes widen at the thought of labor but I nod and leave to go prepare breakfast. Hidan was still sleeping when I left the room so I'll wake him up whenever I'm done cooking. I'll get to cook in peace. I grab the plates to put them on the table and set two of them down to grab the third when I suddenly notice Hidan leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. His sudden appearance startles me and I drop the third fucking plate. I immediately start to cry and Hidan's eyes widen as he tries to figure out what the hell happened.
"T-the f-food. It's on the floor... F-fuck the p-plate I-I'm hungry." I sob.
"There are two more plates and- more on the stove. It's fine Short Stack."
My crying stops and I'm suddenly pissed off.
"I'm not fucking short so why the hell do you call me Short Stack? What if I called you Tall Jashin Guy? Huh?"
"What the fuck... Hey Pink Bitch! What the hell is going on with her?" Hidan calls out.
My anger dies down and I feel bad for snapping at him and start to cry again. Sakura appears in the room and her worry changes to laughter as he explains what happened.
"It's her hormones. Pregnancy messes with them so she's going through mood swings. That's all."
"How the fuck does it stop?"
"It doesn't, not until her hormones even out after the baby is born."
I hug Hidan and start to calm down as he runs a hand through my hair.
"I'm sorry." I mutter quietly.
"It's okay, just calm down, okay? Sit down and eat while I clean this up."

                 Sakura sits down to eat with me while Hidan cleans up my mess and gets another plate for himself. My strange moods seem to have calmed down and hopefully I won't have any more mood swings today. Sakura offers to wash the dishes for me and Hidan walks with me back to his room so that I can take a shower. He's been hovering more and more as we get closer to the end of my pregnancy. I think he's worried that something is going to happen if he strays too far. He still tries to act like a badass all the time and like he doesn't really care, but Sakura and I both can tell he's worried. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself to the best of my ability as my stomach is in the way and walk back into the bedroom. Hidan's arms wrap around me and I feel him trail kisses along my neck and jawline.

"H-Hidan... Cut it out."
"But why? I can tell you don't want me to."
"You said that we could go out to the shops today. We need stuff for the little one." I remind him.
He sighs and his hands stop roaming my body.
"Okay... Get dressed."
I discard the towel and search through my pile of wearable clothing for something that fits. I track down a sundress I'd stolen from Konan's room a few weeks ago and put it on. She was thin like I was but she still wore bigger clothes than I did. It'll help me blend in while we're out, since I'm planning on leaving my headband concealed on my leg. Hidan leaves his cloak behind and puts on a shirt for once. I invite Sakura to come along but she offers to stay behind. She does make a short list of things she knows we'll end up needing.

                 I hold onto Hidan's hand as we walk through the forest toward one of the smaller villages nearby. It's the main one we go to for our food and supplies, and they all seem to think we're just a sweet young couple on our own in the forest. Whatever works. I know there's a store that is made for children's items and stuff so I'm sure we'll be able to get most of what we need. The rest of it we can get another day. We reach the village in a couple of hours and a few of the villagers greet us warmly. There are several comments about how pretty I look and how I seem to be 'glowing'. I don't know about glowing but I'm sweating. The cold weather is basically gone leaving rain showers and humidity to ruin my life.

                 We enter the children's store and Hidan looks incredibly uncomfortable. I roll my eyes and drag him along while consulting Sakura's list. We'll need a crib, clothing, diapers, cleaning wipes, possibly a rocking chair, bottles, a pump, and the list goes on and on. I have Hidan grab a basket and I start to fill it with the different things as I go along. Kids are expensive. Good thing we have a lot of money to spend on this stuff. Hidan shares my sentiment a moment later, mumbling curses under his breath as he looks at everything I'm piling into the basket. An older woman named Luna comes up to me and smiles before glancing down into the basket.

"Oh Honey, I'm glad you guys made it today. Some of the other villagers and I got some things together for the two of you. We know how rough it can be starting out on your own and a new baby coming along."
"You guys didn't have to do that." I tell her, my eyes welling up with tears.
"Nonsense. You guys are so sweet and nice to us so it was the right thing to do! Now, let's see, you won't be needing, well, any of this. We've got you just about everything. You'll need a crib, clothing, and a pump. We've even got a bunch of blankets for the baby as well. Come along Dearie, let's go find the boxes and let your wife pick out the rest of it, okay?"
Before Hidan can decline or say something rude to the woman, Luna drags him away, telling him how handsome he is and how lucky he is to have me. I shake my head and smile before pulling a cute sleeper from the shelf.

Moving On (Book 2 of Don't Call Me Kitten) *COMPLETE*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt