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What am I doing? The sunlight opens my eyes and I realize I’m still in Harry’s bed…shit… I look and see a sleeping Harry; he looks beautiful every four breathes he takes his lips part slightly. I scurry and slip out of his bunk as quietly as I can. My eyes pop open when I step out louder than I thought I freeze and see 4 pairs of eyes staring at me. The boys are awake…

“Oh boy” Zayn smirks

I open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out. Shit, Shit, Shit…

And I’m on a fucking bus so it’s not like I can go hide. I notice we aren’t moving.

“Where are we?” I cough,

“San Jose” Liam says blankly

“Oh perfect!” I say awkwardly and louder than I intended.

I mentally slap myself. I quickly walk to the other end of the bus to change. (

I walk back to the other end and notice Harry has woken up.

I smile and exit the bus. “Where are you goi-“ I hear him start.

As I step out I am bombarded with people. Holy fuck there is so many people screaming. I can’t move, I feel fear rise through me. I try to get back to the bus but I’m being pushed further and further away from it. I see security burst its way through. Suddenly there is a tug at my hand, I try to pull my hand away but it happens a second time even stronger. I’m pulled backwards through the people and I slam straight into Harry’s chest.

“Hurry get back in the bus” He goes behind me, protecting me and walking me back to the bus. I feel like a child…

“Thanks” I say quickly.

“We aren’t suppose to leave the bus till 5 for sound check love” Louis explains to me. Well thanks… it would be great if you told me that before… I hold my tongue and give him a strange look.

Harry keeps his eyes on me as I move to my bunk, which is on top of his. I lie on my back and stare at the screen of my phone. I should call Hunter.

“Go fish” I hear Liam

“You have a two Liam I can see it” Niall argues with him.

“That’s a three Niall,” He protests

“Liam, look it’s a two” Harry says affirming

“Oh would you look at that it is a two” he responds amused

“Jesus Liam would you get glasses please” Louis bellows

I dial the number and instantly regret it.

“Hey baby” He sounds tired. I note that the boys can hear me talk so I jump down off the bunk.

“Hi how was your night” I ask him and see the boys frozen staring at me. I walk to the opposite end, which is a living room and close the doors.

Harry’s P.O.V

She’s talking to Hunter… The thought brings discomfort to me. What does he see in him? He’s an asshole.

“Sulk all you want Harold, she’s still going to be his at the end of the day” Louis sighs and throws down a pair of fives on the table.

“Why was she in your bed last night?” Zayn chimes in. I roll my eyes.

“Nothing happened, I just slept with her” I could have worded that better…

“Nothing happened, you just slept with her?” Niall sassed

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