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“ You’re a good dancer,” She giggles, looking down at our feet.

“ You’re honestly the first person to tell me that”

“ You guys don’t dance much hey?” She looks back up

“ No, you should see Zayn dance. He’s a train wreck”

“ Hey, I can hear you” Zayn shouts from behind us

She starts laughing and places her head on my chest momentarily. Sparks radiate all the way up to my clavicles.

The song ends and she pulls back away from me.

Come back…

Mia’s P.O.V

The light in his eyes fade as I step back, as if he was a child that had his favorite toy taken away.

“ Want a drink?” He says quickly before I turn

“ Sure” I nod

He smiles and I notice the dimples present on his cheeks, he walks past me and my insides dance un-expectantly.

He returns with a glass in both hands

“ Here” He hands me one, I take a sip and it runs down my throat unwelcomed

“ Rum?” I ask

He nods “ Is that alright?”

“ Yes”


“ Seelleeennaaaa” I trip on the first step leading back into the house

“ Omg look at Mia, she’s smashed” Miley laughs and stumbles to my rescue.

“ Hey no” I slap her hand “ You’re drunk too”

“ Do you guys need help?” Justin walks forward, assisting me into the house.

“ Eleaaanoorrr!” I slur as I notice her and Dani have arrived

“ Mia!” They both shout and run over to me

“ Hey, stop hogging my girlfriend” A very intoxicated Louis strides over to us, he grabs hold of her waist pulling her into a kiss.

I look around the room, Selena and Justin are making more drinks, Liam and Dani are playing beer pong with Zayn and Perrie, Miley’s taking shots with Niall. Where’s Harry?

I turn and walk down the long hallway that ends with the side patio.

I can feel my body getting heavy and if I look up the room spins.

“ Harry” I call out as I enter the deck

I see him sitting in the lounge chair, staring up at the stars.

“Whoa” I say as my foot steps down at a wrong angle and I feel myself going the other direction

“ Mia!” He shouts and I feel two arms around my waist

He pulls me up onto my feet, I ruffle down my shirt that has moved up to my bra line exposing my stomach.

“ Are you okay?!” He holds my shoulders, looking me up and down for injuries.

“ I- I think so” I laugh, drunken Nina takes over

“ You’re drunk” He states

“ I think so” I repeat a giggle rises through me then stops abruptly when his face is clear that he’s not amused.

I notice how were inches apart, the tips of our feet touching.

“ Harry” I breath

“ Mia” He copies me

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