The First Night

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Tonight was supposed to be a good night. This was the night my tour kicks off yet here I am… a complete mess.

“We should get off the floor” I look up at Harry who hasn’t taken his eyes off me.

“Only if you want to,” He replies voice low face concerned.

I take my head off his chest and stand he follows. I sniffle and rub my nose with the back of my hand most unladylike.

“I’m going to change and clean myself up” I note to the make up half way down my face. I was going to tell Harry he can leave but the truth is I don’t want him to.

“Will you wait for me?” I notice my voice crack

“Of course” He replies and sits himself down on the couch.

I pick up the flowers they really are beautiful.

“Thank you for the flowers” I try to give him a big smile but a small one only appears.

“You’re welcome” He runs his hand through his hair.

I walk into the bathroom with my bag and start to undress. I see the dress I’m supposed to be in for the after party but I don’t want to go to my after party anymore. I take out my comfy clothes ( and throw my hair into a bun. I remove the entire amount make up from my face and exit the bathroom.

“You look comfy” Harry chuckles and stands. He grabs the bag from my right hand caringly.

“Thank you” I mutter quickly. I notice that my shirt reveals my midsection and that Harry is eyeing me. I look up at him accusatorily and his cheeks turn red. Harry Styles is embarrassed! I smile big and laugh loudly. Caught checking me out. I nudge his arm and he gives up a smile.

We walk to the main area and all the fans have evacuated the premises. Mind you it is almost 1am. I see a few stragglers outside up to no good.

“Babe!” Selena and Miley come rushing up to me all done up in their Friday best ready for the after party. I roll my eyes.

“Are you okay?” Selena asks me with all seriousness

“Hunter’s here he’s with Justin and Liam getting food” Miley explains to me

My mood gets better “He’s here?”

“He just got here to take you to the party why aren’t you dressed” Miley scolds me most annoyingly. All she’s done since she’s gotten engaged is partied.

“I don’t want to go anymore” I look down at my fingers.

“You can’t just not go to your own party!” Miley yells outraged. I roll my eyes once again. I can do what ever the fuck I want.

“Yes I can” I laugh, “I’m not going”

I see Hunter, Justin and Miley’s Liam come around the corner. Hunter’s eyes drop when he sees me. We still aren’t on good terms and I don’t plan on being nice to him. I’m happy he’s here though, even 4 hours late.

Justin comes and hands Selena a bottle of pink vitamin water and a kiss on the temple. It’s nice to see them doing good together. Miley rushes up to Liam, probably to explain that I am not going to the club with them and the rest of the group.

Hunter keeps his distance. I look up at Harry who is giving him extremely dirty looks and then I notice the rest of the boys giving him looks as well. Weird enough I’m not okay with this happening. I take the bag from Harry’s hand and walk up to Hunter.

He looks me up and down and I can tell he’s still angry.

“Want to talk?” I whisper, his eyes flicker around behind me. I can tell he’s looking at Harry.

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