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I shut the door and he starts driving.

He turns and looks at me again; I quickly stare out the window.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” He addresses me with kind intent. I let out a breath and open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out.

“Lets just get back to Selena’s before the paps find us” I rest my hand on my forehead.

He turns looks straight ahead at the road before putting on his signal light and turning left.

I panic “ Selena’s house is the other way” I turn my head back and look at the direction we should have gone and then spin around to see him with a growing grin on his face.

“Styles where are you taking me?” I yell

“Calm down, we’re just making a quick stop” He reassures me, but I don’t believe him.

I feel myself getting heavier, - It’s almost 4 am and I’m tired.


I feel a hand on my shoulder gently stroking it I wake up startled to see Harry right in my face.

“We’re here” He smiles at me and I notice his hand on my shoulder, I shimmy it off and his smile falls with his hand.

I unbuckle my seat belt and step out of the car, my feet hit sand and my mouth splits into a large grin.

“This place is amazing to watch the sunrise, but you might want to take your shoes off” I look up to see Harry laughing at me, I giggle and remove my Toms.

“Follow me” he holds out his hand, I stare at it for a few seconds before walking past him. He quickly runs his hand through his hair.

I see that he’s set up a blanket for us to sit on, and that the sun has started to rise. I sit and stare at the calmness of the ocean, Harry sits next to me, and I notice he’s kept his distance.

“This is beautiful Harry,” I say breathlessly

He smiles small at the sand “ I like to come here, no one knows about it, it’s a place to get away from the paps and fans, I can just relax here, I’ve never brought anyone before” He avoids my eye contact nervously

“Well thank you, for bringing me” I angle myself onto one hand and plant a small kiss on his cheek, as soon as I pull off it turns into a dimple from his smile.

We sit here for what seems forever, not saying anything, just staring out onto the ocean.

Eventually he breaks the silence

“We should get back to Selena’s” He stands and offers his hand to help me up, I take it and accidently I end up chest to chest with him. Small sparks radiate between our sternums and I find myself breathless. I see his eyes growing intense and glossy I step back quickly “ We should go”


We get to Selena’s house and I slowly open the door. I see Miley past out on the couch with Niall at the opposite end. I’m assuming Dani El Lou Zayn Perrie and Liam all got the spare rooms and Selena is somewhere with Justin.

I forget she has three steps leading down from the door way and with my tiredness I stumble down the first one making a loud noise.

“Whoa” Harry quickly grabs my upper arm

“I’m sorry, I’m really tired” I whisper, barley keeping my eyes open.

“Here let me take you to bed” He suggests, fear rises through me, what does he mean take me to bed. “Wha-“ Before I can think of something to say he lifts me up off the ground bridal style and takes me down the hallway to a vacant guest bedroom.

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