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7 Day’s later

“Oh Hunter harder please” I moan as he thrusts into me, his lips bite hungrily at my neck leaving small welts behind, I feel my release growing in the pit of my stomach. He groans into my ear

“ Fuck Mia” He’s breathless, breathing words of nonsense into my neck. I tighten my legs around his midsection waiting…and waiting… and waiting… I grunt uncomfortably as the release once present in my stomach fades to nothing. Hunter pours passion into me and I feel him stiffen up; then he breaks and stills.

He pecks my lips softly… What the fuck was that? He gets to finish and be all happy and he’s just going to leave me unsatisfied.. suddenly I’m really angry with him, I mean we’ve had this problem allot lately, he’s always into it and I’m not…

I dismiss the thoughts into the back of my head, it’s probably nothing, and my body is just under a lot of stress right?

I turn over and I feel the bed shift as he does the same. I grab my phone and click it on. I can’t be here, I stand up and pause waiting for Hunter to ask where I’m going. He says nothing… I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. It’s dim, not dark, it’s only about 10:30pm. I wrap my loose cardigan around my body.

I hear the door creak and abruptly turn my head to expect Hunter asking me to come back to bed, it ends up being the wind. “Oh my god” I whisper to myself and march back down the hall, Hunter is fast asleep, snoring quietly. I feel the tears building up.

I dial Selena’s number and hold the phone up to my ear shaking while I lean on the pantry door.

“Hey babe” She sounds cheery and I can hear people in the background.

I try to keep my voice under control, breathe Mia breathe…

“Wh-What’s up” Fuck I crack

“Whoa what’s wrong” Her tone changes completely

“Nothing, can I come over?” I cry desperately into the phone.

“Of course, stay the night cause Miley’s engagement party is tomorrow and we can get ready and go together”

I sniffle and hang up the phone. I rush to throw on my flip-flops and grab my dress from the front closet, I scribble down a note for hunter and leave it on the counter.

Went to Selena’s meet me there tomorrow at 4


“It’s just weird Sel” I sigh as I finish explaining my story to her, she pauses and looks as if she’s still analyzing it.

“So you guys were having sex and you just weren’t into it?” She cocks her head to one side. I sigh again, it’s not just that I wasn’t into it.

“No, I was and then I just wasn’t and then I left and he said nothing and I don’t know maybe I’m crazy” I rub my temples, this is all confusing.

“You’re not crazy, a lot is going on right now, you’re probably stressed” She puts her hand on my knee soothingly. I want to believe this is stress, but I can feel something more than stress.

“I guess, we should go to bed, Miley will be here early and knowing her she’s probably going crazy right now” I fall back onto the pillows.

“This engagement party is probably going to be more stressful than the wedding itself” Selena laughs her famous laugh and lays next to me.

I switch off the light “ Night Selly, love you”

“Love you too”


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