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Mia’s P.O.V

“Wake up beautiful” I hear the cooing of Hunters warm voice in my ear. I smile with my eyes still closed and groan.

“It’s 7:30 baby, I’d let you sleep but I have work and you have an interview” He plants a swift kiss on my cheek before leaving the bed. I sit up and open my eyes; it’s dark until Hunter opens the blinds, and light fills the room and welcomes me.

“I’m going to shower, Miley called” Hunter informs me; I yawn and nod before standing.

I stagger a few steps to pick up my phone and dial her number. I stretch as she answers.

“I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all morning where have you been?” She hisses into the phone

“Um sleeping, what’s up?” I laugh

“Well you know my engagement party is coming up right?”

Shit, I forgot, I mentally punch myself.

“Uh yeah how could I forget?” I agree

“You and Selena are the maids of honor so I want you guys in a matching dress the same color as mine, and can you come over later to help with the catering? These people don’t understand what I want” She complains, I’m not looking foreword to this matching thing, how tacky.

“Yeah sure can I come around two?” I rub my aching temples this wedding is stressful.

“Actually I need you to go dress looking first, for you and Selena, Selena has a recording session and I’m going to be at the country club all day dealing with these people” She babbles on and frankly its making me want to kill myself, it’s not even 8am and she’s already starting.

“ I just want to get these dresses out of the way, my dress is black, that should give you endless ideas, also Liam’s wondering if Hunter wants to come golfing today around 3pm with Justin and him since we have the country club booked for the next little while ”

I sigh to myself silently

“So you want me to go dress shopping alone? And I’ll ask Hunter when he’s done in the shower” I complain

“Well find someone to go with you, take El don’t take Dani she hates me and I think Perrie flew back to London for a family thing,” she continues on not aware I’m barely listening to her

“I can’t take a girl dress shopping unless it’s you or Sel because every other girl will say I look great in everything” I whine and she laughs

“Than take a boy I don’t know but it’s my wedding just do this for me please” I can tell she’s pouting from the other line.

“Fine” I give up

“And come straight over after caterer is coming over at 7pm, love you” She makes a kissy noise and hangs up. I groan loudly and fall back on the bed.

“What’s wrong babe” Hunter strides out of the bathroom with a towel hanging off his waist.

“Wedding drama with Miley, oh Liam wants you to go golfing with him and Justin today at 3” I bend my head to look at him

“I’ll be done at the studio by then, I’ll text him, go get ready Nicki will be here soon” He kicks my behind with his foot playfully

I pout; he cocks his head to the side and awe’s at me.

“I do believe I haven’t gotten a good morning kiss” I whine and he steps closer to me, bends down slowly than quickly pecks my lips then walks away

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