Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1

Start from the beginning

''I wasn't a fucking maid to begin with! And I quit!'' It was impossible for me to get out of the way so I brought my forearm out as it took the brunt of her attack. I grunted, bringing my leg up and hitting her squarely on the wrist. Her grip on her weapon loosened and she dropped the knife. I grinned sinisterly and realization dawned on her that I was not a stranger to fighting.

''Why are you here'' I questioned. Ignoring me, she gripped my wounded forearm and dug her nails in making me hiss in pain. 

''Not for you, that's for sure.'' She retorted ,bringing her knee up she caught me in the ribs and I barely blocked the punch she sent to my stomach. In doing so, I couldn't block the blow to my face, making my lips cut against my teeth. Blood flowed.

''Get out of my damned house!'' I brought my leg in front of me and kicked Josie squarely in her abdomen making her stagger and roughly hit the wall behind. She grunted as her open back wound was further agitated by the impact. I reached and pulled the embedded knife out of the wall.

''Now, how shall I send little Sang the message that I don't like to be fucked with, Josie?'' I chirped around a mouthful of blood.

''I wouldn't be too smug, '' she gasped out and I felt the cool metal nozzle against my abdomen. ''Now, I know one of yer' little boy toys is a doctor. But I wonder if he'll be able to save ya in time? Being shot point blank is almost definitely fatal'' She mock pouted.

''I don't want to kill ya! This is a job. I'm not here for ya. I don't have anything against ya and I respect ya. But if it comes down to it, I will shoot ya and leave ya to die. You won't be able to avoid it. And the name's Sandra. I prefer Huntress, but whichever's fine.''

Shit. I gritted my teeth, knowing that, she had the upper hand. I couldn't disarm her and not risk her pulling the trigger before I got the gun. I'd get shot and it'd all be for naught.

''Leave. Now. Sandra'' I snarled. She spat blood on Axel's disarrayed desk and muttered, ''With pleasure.'' I slowly backed away from her, the knife ready to lodge itself into her throat anytime and she slowly headed to the door. She picked up the cat and smiled cheerily. 

''You-you brought your cat along?!'' I said in disbelief

''Yzma gets grouchy when she's left alone,'' Sandra defended. I gaped ''Y-yzma?! Who even- And you're Kronk then?'' I jeered. She snorted and shrugged.

''Nice meetin' ya, Diablo''' She fake curtsied, showing me the middle finger before she fled down the stairs and out the house. I heaved a sigh as I watched her through the windows, as she ran down the driveway, and out of sight. So much for doing work.And great, I'm famous to creepy huntresses and their cats.

I surveyed the room, and a blinking light from Axe's computer caught my eye. What a mess, I sulked, walking over to the table. I groaned when I saw the message on it.


I went to my room and got my handphone which had a lot of messages on it. Whoops, didn't see these earlier. Should've brought my phone along.

Me : Hey boys thanks for leaving me to wake up by myself in this big ass place -.- Anyways, Owen, Axe, kinda hope you don't mind redecorating~ Gabriel this is your cue XD

I put my phone down and went to the bathroom to wash away all the blood and shit. Dammit I actually liked this off shoulder top and such cute shorts these...were. Barely 5 minutes later, my phone rang.

''Sup.'' I answered, cleaning the cut on my arm.

''HAYDEN ARE YOU OKAY WE-'' Marc started

''Oh, no I'm fine really.  Other than the fact that I was fucking, attacked,'' I mumbled the last part.

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