Chapter 1: Trip to somewhere with a weird bunch

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Yo! 'Sup guys?! This has been bugging me for so long I had to do it. This will be in your point of view and well... I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations but I do hope you enjoy it! I won't be using my art in here to your great comfort! Thanks and enjoy!

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

It was my fifteenth birthday when I met with my witch and wizard relatives. They looked at me with smiles as they told me I was going to become a full-fledged witch in the next year. I actually don't wanna be one. I don't wanna be called a witch or an old hag or maybe one of those hoodoo voodoo and stuff like that. I already have problems in making friends at school and they want me to end up like them?

Always - I don't know - hexing around with their crooked fingers and stuff. My family just has to be in the dark side of things, huh? To make it even worse, our family's reputation as witches would be having an oddly powerful blood that is very special. We make people heal with it and we are immune to any poison. Our blood is like a special elixir that can also make monsters very powerful.

Here comes the worst part of it all, I have the most odd and powerful blood in the entire history of our family. I was actually born from an incestuous relationship. My mother - a pure blood - had to marry my father - a mix blood and her first cousin - just to attain a certain result from an experiment. The experiment was called "The Youth Project" and I was the product of it.

I walked across my room and took my black turtle neck sweater on my bed. The good thing about living as a witch would be how cool your home is and you always wear black. I wore my sweater - which was baggy - and wore black jeans. I tied my oily (h/c) hair in a messy bun and went out with my black sneakers on. My bag slung from my shoulders as I skipped down the dark pavement of our house.

My mother was watering the plants that decorated our front porch. She looked at me with a smile and stopped her watering. She wore a black dress that emphasized her pale skin and slim body. My mother's short, curly, black hair suited her youthful features.

"Going to school, honey?" She asked while I nodded to confirm. "Take care! Go home as soon as your classes are finished, okay?" I shrugged and walked out of the gates. I stopped in my tracks when I felt my mother's aura turned very malicious. I gulped a lump in my throat and clutched on my bag's strap.

"Fine. I'll come home early." I said and her malice turned back to her normal one. "See you later, dear!" She said as I continued to walk.

I was walking down the rocky road before I passed a small patch of greenery where I accidentally tripped over something. 'This is so humiliating... Tripping on the road. Stupid...' I looked for the thing that made me stumble but my face drained all its color when I saw two legs sticking out of the tall grasses I just passed. '...feet? What?!' I stood up and hurriedly went to the feet in order to find its owner only to see a boy with black hair. He wore a red bonnet and winter clothing which perfectly made sense since the town I lived in was naturally cold - not to mention we were up on a mountain. I almost threw myself towards him and checked his pulse.

'Weak pulse! And he's extremely cold!' I panicked and started to lift him up. The ambulance couldn't possibly go to our place. It was up on a steep hill and we were miles away from the hospital itself. I placed him on top of my back and ran up to our house. When I got back, my mother was so surprised. I'm not the type to bring people - especially not a man - and I also don't strike you as a person who would go absent in the middle of the semester.

When I ran in the house and placed him on my bed I felt slight relief. I, at least, know that he's gonna get warmer in there. I threw some covers out and covered him with the blankets. I also proceeded to do CPR - only without the mouth-to-mouth part. When I checked his pulse again, it was better and when I checked his heat he was warmer.

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